The conversion generally speaking, is 1000/700 = 10/7 = 1.43 . So convert, 1.43 x 3.00 mins = 4.30 mins for 700 Watt microwave oven.
Microwaves with 700 watts or less are slower and may not cook evenly. In general, the higher the wattage, the faster the cooking time. Keep in mind that microwaves with higher wattages often come with bigger price tags, so that's something to remember if you're trying to stick to a budget.
A standard microwave wattage is 800 to 1000 watts. This is the wattage of a common microwave you find in homes.
A 700-watt microwave will use 5.8 amps at 120 volts and 2.9 amps at 240 volts. But if you have a 110-volt electrical system, the amperage will be slightly higher at 6.4amps. Generally, a 700-watt microwave uses less electricity than most appliances at home.
Microwave energy efficiency does not vary much. Generally, a small microwave, rated at 600-800 watts, is more energy-efficient than a larger one, typically at 850-1650 watts.
The standard size for a microwave oven, 20 litres is great for smaller families where the microwave is frequently used. These time-saving appliances are perfect for those looking for a microwave that nails all the basics.
On average, microwaves range in capacity from 0.7 cu. ft., which is suitable for most dinner plates, to 2.2 cu. ft., which is a better size for bigger cookware.
A microwave with higher wattage can cook food quicker and usually has more settings and features. Wattage is simply the power of a microwave, so if you cook a lot of frozen foods or food from scratch, you may want to look for a microwave with more power–a higher wattage.
Microwaving water is a fast and convenient way to make hot beverages or cook meals. Generally, microwaves that are 700 watts or higher can successfully boil 1 cup (8 ounces) of water in 2-3 minutes. If you have a lower wattage, boiling the same amount of water might take up to 4 minutes.
A 700-watt microwave is like cooking something in a 350-degree oven. An 800-watt microwave is like cooking something in a 450-degree oven. A 900-watt microwave is like cooking something in a 525-degree oven. Finally, an 1100-watt microwave is like cooking something in a 625-degree oven.
Most people want a compact microwave. However, these are low wattage, usually 600 or 700 watts. If you plan on cooking, reheating food, or making frozen dinners you will need 1000 to 1200 watts. The lower wattage units do not cook properly.
What are standard microwave sizes? Microwave sizes are fairly standardized with most over-the-range microwaves measuring around 30" wide, 17" high and 15" to 18" deep with the door closed. Built-in microwave sizes also tend to match standard cabinet dimensions.
Who Should Buy A 23L Microwave? 23L microwaves are perfect for people or families who need a little bit more interior capacity than a 20L model can provide. The difference isn't huge, but 23L models can fit larger dinner plates and cook more food, without taking up too much work surface space.
Smaller microwaves typically require a little less energy than larger, more powerful microwaves. Your electric bill calculates your energy consumption in kWh. Kilowatt-hours are simply the amount of electricity used over a period of time.
20L Capacity. Available in silver or white. 700 Watts. Dimensions (WxDxH): 440 x 355 x 258mm.
Outer dimensions: 28.3cm (H) x 53.4cm (W) x 38.8cm (D)
Microwave capacities vary from about 17L to over 32L (more for integrated models). If you are shopping for a family-size microwave, consider models with a capacity of 27L and above.
A microwave uses significantly less energy than either a gas or electric oven. To use your microwave for one hour every day would cost you about half the total energy of a natural gas oven and 60% less than an electric oven.
A microwave is about 50 percent efficient. Most of the energy is lost in the process of converting electricity to microwaves (which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum). An electric stovetop is about 70 percent efficient, although that varies widely depending on the type of pot or kettle you use.
With normal usage for an average family and good maintenance, a microwave often lasts for 7 to 8 years. If the microwave is used less frequently by a single person or a couple and is well-maintained, the lifespan can increase to up to 10 years.