Most C-sections are unplanned because the need for one doesn't present itself until much closer to labor, or during it. In these cases, moms have been planning for a vaginal birth. But a few weeks, days or even hours before delivery, mom and their doctor decide that a C-section is the safest option.
Planning for a vaginal birth may result in an emergency cesarean section, which carries higher risks for the mother than if an elective cesarean had been undertaken. For a term pregnancy with a breech presentation the risk of emergency cesarean is over 40%.
Experts from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology don't recommend these elective C-sections. They say you definitely shouldn't have one before 39 weeks. And they strongly discourage it if you want more children.
Most women experience some discomfort for the first few days after a caesarean, and for some women the pain can last several weeks. You should make sure you have regular painkillers to take at home for as long as you need them, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Women are three times more likely to die during a cesarean delivery than during a vaginal birth, due mostly to blood clots, infections and complications from anesthesia, according to a 2006 study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Doctors would have several reasons to prefer C-sections to natural childbirth in marginal cases: more income, more convenience in planning and scheduling, and fear of malpractice lawsuits.
It usually takes about 6 weeks to recover from your c-section but this will depend on your individual situation. If you had any problems during or after your c-section, or if you're looking after other children at home, you may feel you need more time to recover.
A caesarean section is generally a very safe procedure, but like any type of surgery it does carry a risk of complications. The level of risk will depend on things such as whether the procedure is planned or carried out as an emergency, and your general health.
Elective caesarean section
If you know beforehand you'll be having a caesarean section, it's called an elective operation. Your appointment will probably be before the date your baby's due, so you don't go into labour. Around 16 in 100 births are by planned caesarean.
General anesthesia is most often used when a C-section is urgent and there isn't time for an epidural or a spinal block. We place a breathing tube through your mouth, down your throat, and into your lungs to help you breathe during the procedure. You'll be asleep during the C-section.
Experts recommend that scheduled cesarean delivery be conducted from 39 weeks onwards [5], so that fetal maturity is complete.
A caesarean may be recommended as a planned (elective) procedure or done in an emergency if it's thought a vaginal birth is too risky. Planned caesareans are usually done from the 39th week of pregnancy.
The more C-sections, the higher the risks of placenta previa and a condition in which the placenta becomes attached to the wall of the uterus (placenta accreta). A C-section also increases the risk of the uterus tearing along the scar line (uterine rupture) for women who attempt a vaginal delivery in a later pregnancy.
A Caesarean birth is considered major abdominal surgery and, as with other operations, there are risks involved. The risk of a woman dying after a Caesarean birth is less than one in 12,000 (the risk of death after a vaginal birth is less than one in 10,000).
Results Caesarean sections accounted for 29.1% (n = 1535) of first births, consisting of 18.2% emergency and 10.9% elective caesareans.
The average hospital stay after a C-section is 2 to 4 days, and keep in mind recovery often takes longer than it would from a vaginal birth. Walking after the C-section is important to speed recovery and pain medication may be supplied too as recovery takes place.
During elective (planned) caesarean sections, some obstetricians routinely dilate the cervix intraoperatively, using sponge forceps, a finger, or other instruments, because the cervix of women not in labour may not be dilated, and this may cause obstruction of blood or lochia drainage.
The operation
You'll be asked to change into a hospital gown when you arrive at the hospital on the day of the caesarean section. A thin, flexible tube called a catheter will be inserted into your bladder to empty it while you're under the anaesthetic, and a small area of pubic hair will be trimmed if necessary.
Overuse of c-sections matters because, while often lifesaving in limited circumstances, the surgery also brings serious risks for babies (such as higher rates of infection, respiratory complications, and neonatal intensive care unit stays, as well as lower breastfeeding rates) and for mothers (such as higher rates of ...
They add: “Cesarean delivery is associated with future subfertility and several subsequent pregnancy risks such as placenta previa, uterine rupture, and stillbirth.”
What is a 'gentle C-section'? A “gentle C-section” brings elements of a vaginal delivery into the operating room – such as letting the mother watch the birth and hold her newborn right away. A C-section is major surgery. We can't forget that. But we may be able to take a more patient-centered approach.
Walking after c-section is encouraged and should be your go to for the first few weeks. You'll start to notice day to day movement getting easier and less discomfort lifting baby or moving around.
The Night Before Your C-section
You will not be allowed to eat, drink or smoke after midnight. This includes candy, gum and water. Try to get a good night's sleep. You may brush your teeth in the morning.