Aeg is not a Scrabble word.
The firm was renamed Allgemeine-Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (later known as AEG) in 1887.
aegean is a valid English word.
Aig is not a Scrabble word.
Axa is not a Scrabble word.
aia is a valid English word.
Ew joins another 106 two-letter words, which are aa, ab, ad, ae, ag, ah, ai, al, am, an, ar, as, at, aw, ax, ay, ba, be, bi, bo, by, da, de, do, ed, ef, eh, el, em, en, er, es, et, ex, fa, fe, gi, go, ha, he, hi, hm, ho, id, if, in, is, it, jo, ka, ki, la, li, lo, ma, me, mi, mm, mo, mu, my, na, ne, no, nu, od, oe, of, ...
What are some of the four letter words that start with A? The four letter words that start with A are aged, amid, able, acid, away, army, area, also, atoms, anta, asks, aids, aims, axel, arms, alas, ages, anew, awed, axed, axis, apex, etc.
adjective. Ae·ge·an i-ˈjē-ən. : of or relating to the arm of the Mediterranean Sea east of Greece. : of or relating to the chiefly Bronze Age civilization of the islands of the Aegean Sea and the countries adjacent to it.
Qim is not a Scrabble word.
Xun is not a Scrabble word.
Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft AG (German for 'General electricity company JSC' AEG) was a German producer of electrical equipment founded in Berlin as the Deutsche Edison-Gesellschaft für angewandte Elektricität in 1883 by Emil Rathenau.
As the world's leading sports and live entertainment company, we continually turn it up a notch with venues, sports franchises, music festivals, entertainment districts, ticketing platforms, global sponsorships, and innovative experiences that keep fans coming back for more year after year.
The classic German brand AEG is today one of the most important within the Electrolux Group, which offers premium AEG appliances in various European and Asian markets.
The English language is extremely limited in the number of 2 letter words containing the letter Q. Indeed there are only 2 words that are not an abbreviation. These words are qi and qu.
The letter 'X' provides the highest scoring two-letter words, with at least 9 points awarded for the Greek letter names 'Ax', 'Ex', 'Ox', 'Xi' and the Vietnamese coin 'Xu'; whilst with 'Zax' (a hatchet-like tool) attaining a minimum of 19 points, it also gives you the highest scoring three-letter word.
Yes, ae is a Scrabble word!
Ae is a valid Scrabble word.
3 letter words with the letter Q
qaf. qat. qis. qua. quo.
There are 27 3-letter words containing J listed in the Tournament Word List (TWL): AJI, HAJ, JAB, JAG, JAM, JAR, JAW,JUG JAY, JEE, JET, JEU, JEW, JIB, JIG, JIN, JOB, JOE, JOG, JOT, JOW, JOY, JUG, JUN, JUS, JUT, RAJ, TAJ.
The official scrabble list of words has undergone another update to reflect the changing nature of language. The big news is that there are two new words using the letter Q that do not require U. QIN (n): A Chinese zither, with strings stretched across a flat box.
zun is a valid English word.
Xen is not a Scrabble word.