Nearly anything related to the skin can be dealt with using aloe vera gel. Try getting access to freshly extracted gel from aloe vera leaf. Add 1 cup water and use it as your natural vaginal wash. Aloe vera gel vaginal wash can help in case of vaginal dryness as well.
Aloe Vera is useful for fighting bacteria and fungi in the intimate area, thanks to its emollient effectiveness. Or, thanks to aloe vera, it is possible to counteract itching and irritation in the intimate parts, which are frequent during pregnancy or the menopause.
Aloe vera juice can be an effective treatment for vaginal infections too. The antifungal properties of the plant extract soothes the burning, itching and reduce the inflammation due to the infection around your vaginal area. You can also use lemon leaves to keep your vagina clean and healthy.
Aloe Vera has antifungal properties that help fight vaginal infections. Consumption of aloe vera increases white blood cells in the body, which helps stop the white discharge.
Practice good hygiene. Shower regularly and only use mild, unscented soap and warm water to clean your vulva.
All you need is 1 cup of vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Add vinegar to your bathtub with water and let it soak in for 20 minutes. You can also drink two tablespoons of vinegar in lukewarm water. Soak in vinegar water once daily until the foul smell discharge is treated.
Aloe: Promoting Alkalinity
Aloe is the ideal solution to counteract acidity. Daily consumption of aloe juice helps the body by supporting system-wide pH balance.
Consider natural lubricants
Coconut oil or olive oil may be preferred lubricants and vaginal moisturizers if you have sensitive skin or have multiple allergies. You can also use silicone or water-based lubricants as alternatives. “They're an option for those who aren't using condoms,” says Dr.
It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties
These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in aloe vera, help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans. Aloe vera is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties.
Did you know that pure aloe vera plant can also be used as a lubricant? Yes, owing to its gentle and non-oily nature, it works really well as a lube too. While personal lubricants come really handy in combating vaginal dryness, it is always important to ensure that you aren't allergic to any of the products.
Aloe vera has allicin and antioxidants that penetrate deep into the skin layer and replenish the skin of its lost moisture, improves the collagen count and thereby prevents wrinkles. So, applying it on face overnight will revive, repair and replenish your skin, giving it a dewy glow with a brighter complexion.
Aloe Vera
The gel found in an aloe vera leaf tightens the skin by improving its elasticity. It also stimulates collagen and hyaluronic acid production, thus preventing wrinkles.
Vulvar dermatitis happens when the vulva becomes red, painful, and itchy. Dermatitis can be caused by heat or wetness or can be a reaction to scented soaps, powders, creams, toilet paper, spermicides, or clothing. A skin condition, such as eczema, also can cause dermatitis.
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Apply the paste on the vaginal area. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and wipe.
Aloe Vera Gel
Thanks to its anti-microbial properties, it restricts the growth of infection-causing bacteria or fungi.
Adverse clinical effects of the whole leaf extract in humans. Topical and oral use of Aloe vera can cause skin irritation, hives, cramping, and diarrhea to those who are allergic to other plants in the lily family, for example, onion and tulips.
Bathe or shower daily and pat your genital area dry. Don't douche. Avoid feminine hygiene sprays, colored or perfumed toilet paper, deodorant pads or tampons, and bubble bath.
You can drink rice starch (water in which rice is boiled) regularly to eradicate the problem of white discharge. The starch from the rice is highly preferable when you are constantly suffering from the problem of white discharge.
Urinary Tract Infections UTIs and dehydration can sometimes cause urine to smell, which can in turn create an odor (sometimes likened to the smell of bleach or ammonia) in the vaginal area.