Fluid retention in the inner ear can cause vertigo, so include some of these fruits rich in potassium to lessen symptoms such as bananas, grapes, apricots, etc. Nuts: Nuts are a great source of healthy fats and vitamins E, A, And B that are helpful to mitigate symptoms and keep you energetic all through the day.
Banana: Being high in carbohydrates and having a high glycemic index, bananas will help in recovering from a dizzy state quickly as it is a good combination of potassium as well as sugar.
Vegetables: It should come as no surprise that fruits and vegetables are on the recommended list. Eating vegetables has a multitude of benefits to your overall health, as well as reducing vertigo symptoms. When making meals, try to include large portions of vegetables such as: Asparagus.
Salty foods including chips, pretzels, salted nuts, canned foods, soups, deli meats, pastas, sauces, baking soda, condiments, pizza, baking powder, seasonings, frozen meals, pickles, salad dressings, and cheese can all trigger vertigo.
Epley Maneuver
Place a pillow under you so when you lie down, it rests between your shoulders rather than under your head. Quickly lie down on your back, with your head on the bed (still at the 45-degree angle). The pillow should be under your shoulders. Wait 30 seconds (for any vertigo to stop).
Ginger tea: Ginger, while well known for helping with nausea, has also been seen to fight vertigo. A study in the US Library of Medicine reported that ginger root was able to significantly reduce vertigo when compared to a placebo. Steep your ginger root in a cup of boiling water for about 5 minutes.
Magnesium. Magnesium oxide is a popular food supplement among patients who experience regular bouts of vertigo. According to Vestibular.org, taking around 400 to 800 mg of magnesium oxide might help curb the impact of disorders like vestibular migraines and PPPD (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness).
Vertigo can be a side effect of an inner-ear disorder, viral or bacterial infection, or Ménière's disease, and there are certain foods that can ease its symptoms regardless of its origin. The humble avocado fruit happens to be a stand-out due to its vitamins C and B6 content.
It is believed that both honey and apple cider vinegar have therapeutic advantages for enhancing blood flow to the brain. Therefore, a mixture of two parts honey and one part apple cider vinegar can be used to both prevent and cure vertigo symptoms.
During a vertigo attack, lying still in a quiet, darkened room may help to ease any symptoms of nausea and reduce the sensation of spinning. You may be advised to take medication. You should also try to avoid stressful situations, as anxiety can make the symptoms of vertigo worse.
Vertigo can happen for a lot of different reasons. Some of the most common causes are inner ear conditions such as infections and Meniere's disease. Conditions affecting other parts of the body, such as heart arrhythmias can also cause vertigo and dizziness.
One thing that sometimes ends up getting missed when you've been having vertigo, feeling dizzy, or having lightheadedness issues, is how much hydration you have been getting. The average individual is well over 50% percent water, so replenishing it is vital.
The key to avoiding vertigo from dehydration is to prevent dehydration altogether. There are several steps you can take to make sure you're staying well hydrated. Drink plenty of water: It should go without saying that getting enough water is crucial to staying hydrated.
It's recommended that a person suffering from vertigo every day should consume 1-2 cups of ginger tea. It's also believed in Chinese medicine that ginger is effective at clearing heat from the body and cooling the blood, making it great for treating vertigo.
For example, did you know that consuming almonds and milk works wonders for people who experience chronic vertigo episodes? If this came as a surprise, our discussion below would shed light on why vertigo patients can find hope with the two kitchen staples—almonds and milk.
Summary. For most people with vertigo, the spinning sensation lasts a few seconds to several minutes and usually goes away without treatment.
Over time, ear crystals may dissolve, but bear in mind that this could take weeks or longer, and during that time, a person would have to endure the extreme discomfort of BPPV, where even the slightest head movements would throw their world into disarray.
The treatment for that is to put the head in different positions to move those crystals back into the part of the ear that they belong. As soon as those crystals get back into that part of the ear, patient's symptoms improve dramatically.
Vertigo first begins with nausea and headache. As soon as the symptoms begin, take a bit of salt, black pepper and lemon juice in a glass of warm water and drink to prevent a bout of vertigo.
In these cases, the symptoms typically resolve when the virus clears; the infection is treated; or the body is rehydrated. Recurring episodes of vertigo that do not go away on their own may be caused by a problem related to the inner ear or the brain.