Batman utilizes many different body armor designs, some of which are constructed into his Batsuits, and others which are separate. In its most basic version, the suit is bulletproof around the upper torso and back. Other versions are entirely bulletproof to small arms fire, and have advanced flexible armor plating.
The Batman starts in the second year of Bruce Wayne's time as the superhero, during which Pattinson's bulletproof Batsuit withstands machine gunfire, punches, knives and massive electric shocks in his attempts to stop sadistic villain The Riddler, alongside Gotham's supporting players in the seedy characters department ...
Batman's cowl is sculpted from an impact-resistant, graphite-composite exterior. There is also bullet-proof Kevlar plating that shields sections of Batman's head and protects it from small-arms fire.
Christian Bale's first Batsuit in Batman Begins also offered protection from gunshots, though Lucious Fox explicitly advised against taking direct hits. While protective, the suit proved to be too restrictive, so Bale's Bruce wore a modified` suit in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.
The Batsuit is made of triple-weave Kevlar centered around the most obvious target, the chest-mounted Bat symbol, which in part is intended to lure gunshots to the armor's thickest point.
The custom graphite cowl was listed as $1 million, the boots $1000, the cape - memory cloth polymer - $40,000 and the groin armour $1000. In real-life though a suit of armour including the custom graphite bullet resistant cowl would cost up to $1,058,600.
Lets face the facts, Batman is not superhuman. He is thus unable to dodge a bullet. He relies on body armor, stealth, cover, and a little bit of luck. If they get a glancing blow on his head he will only be stunned due to Kevlar reinforcement.
Batman's Strength Is On A Nearly Superhuman Level
In Batman #655, Bruce is shown to be bench pressing over 1000 pounds during one of his regular workouts. In Batman Odyssey #2, Bruce mentions that his maximum leg press is 2500 pounds.
The characteristics of Batman's suit are strikingly realistic, according to Robert T-I. Shin, the Head of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance and Tactical Systems Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Batman utilizes many different body armor designs, some of which are constructed into his Batsuits, and others which are separate. In its most basic version, the suit is bulletproof around the upper torso and back. Other versions are entirely bulletproof to small arms fire, and have advanced flexible armor plating.
The suit was more cumbersome than ever too, weighing 90 pounds, and with 40 of those pounds reserved for the cape alone.
Related: The Batman's Batverse Plan Is Perfect (So Why's It Never Happened Before?) In a new interview on Good Morning America (via The Art of The Batman on Twitter), Pattinson reveals that, although the suit is quite heavy at almost 60lbs, he still really liked wearing it.
While the general consensus seems to be that Superman's suits are as bulletproof as the Man of Steel himself, they don't always seem to hold up to the wear and tear of crime-fighting.
Green Kryptonite: According to the late Lucius Fox via his journal, green Kryptonite is the only known element in existence that can penetrate the Batsuit.
With Kryptonite inside of him, Superman would grow so weak that Batman could easily defeat him. So that's why he has the bullet, and why it's such an important powerful weapon. Originally Answered: Why does batman keep a kryptonite bullet when superman is faster than a speeding bullet?
In fact, the comics have put Superman's strength at a point where he's able to lift around 2 billion tons! To put that into perspective, the Empire State Building is only 365,000 tons!
The Hulk: 11 million lb.
In the MCU, he's rarely seen lifting solid objects; he usually winds up smashing them instead.
Peak Human Stamina: Batman's stamina and endurance exceeds even the finest human athletes. Batman's lung capacity is so great that he can hold his breath underwater for 6 minutes. He can survive in the airless vacuum of space for exactly 27 seconds.
The fact that he is so reliant on technology is his major weakness because he“s practically handicapped without it and could not stand his ground against a plethora of his usual enemies.
While many may point to the injuries inflicted on Batman by Spawn, Bane, or Hush as the closest he's come to death, one other fight takes the cake. When a Predator showed up in Gotham on a hunt, anyone reading the comic knew he would eventually come into conflict with Batman.
According to their formula, Batman would glide for around 1,150 feet, with his velocity climbing to 68 miles per hour, before plateauing at a fairly rapid 50 miles per hour as he hit the ground.
The fact that there is only one identified weakness is a testament to the durability of the suit. But his suit's weakness being specifically about his neck area is no mistake. Batman has a strangely long cinematic history with bad neck support. In Tim Burton's Batman films, Batman famously can't turn his neck.
“Yes, Batman is just a man with gadgets, but he can fly - he has a suit that lets him fly.
Enhanced Durability: Batman has an extremely high pain tolerance, comparable with those with invulnerability. With the help of his Batsuit, Batman is easily able to ignore strong hits from those with super strength or advanced technology.