The frequency, timing, and pattern of your Snapchat interactions determine which emojis appear in your list of Snapchat chats. For example: ? smiling face means the user is one of your best friends, ? yellow heart means the user is your #1 best friend.
Smiling face emoji ?
The smiling face emoji on Snapchat means that you and this person send a lot of snaps to each other. It's Snapchat's way of saying that you're close friends.
? Yellow Heart: You are #1 best friends with each other. This means that you send the most amount of Snapchats to each other. ❤️ Red Heart: As mentioned, the red heart signifies that you and your friend have been #1 best friends for two weeks straight.
? Yellow Heart – You are #1 best friends with each other. You send the most snaps to this person, and they send the most snaps to you. ❤ Red Heart – You have been #1 BFs with each other for two weeks straight. ? Pink Hearts – You have been #1 BFs with each other for two months straight.
? Besties. You are each other's #1 Best Friend. You sent the most Snaps to this Snapchatter, and they sent the most Snaps to you, too. ? BFs. They're one of your Best Friends!
The yellow heart emoji, ?, can convey love, just like any other heart symbol or emoji, but its yellow color often gets used to show liking and friendship (as opposed to romantic love). Its color also works with expressions of happiness—and with all things yellow, from sports team colors to dresses.
The ? appears next to people you share a mutual best friend with. There is a person you Snapchat with more than anyone else on your friends list. That is your best friend.
? Black Heart emoji
For some, the black heart emoji is the perfect emoji for a rainy day when you are sitting inside, feeling angsty and misunderstood. It can mean you are feeling emo, have a dark twisted soul, morbid sense of humor, or just love sad stuff.
The reason the Snapchat yellow heart is important is that it can only be shared with another person. Since the yellow heart signifies best friend status, it can only occur with the person you snap with the most and if they snap with you the most.
As a Snapchat+ subscriber, you can add some flair to your display name with a black star badge ✪ This lets your friends know you're a Snapchat+ subscriber! The Snapchat+ Badge is off by default, but here's how to make it appear next to your display name…
?? Face Exhaling emoji
The emoji is used to represent feelings of exhaustion, smoking, and exhaling a big sigh.
What does ? ? mean on Snapchat? The ? Pink Hearts emoji is a Snapchat emoji used for your best friends. The ? Face With Sunglasses emoji is an emoji you send to your best friends as well. You send these emojis to someone you frequently communicate with.
The Snapchat pink hearts emoji shows that you have been #1 best friends (BFs) with somebody for two months straight. You aren't limited to just one best friend and can have up to six, though only one contact can be your #1 BF on Snapchat.
?? — Shy, nervous (usually in the context of flirting)
What does the ? emoji mean? If you see the ? next to your friend's name on the Chat screen, that means you and your friend are on a Snapstreak — you and your friend have Snapped each other (not chatted) within a 24 hour window for more than three consecutive days.
If you see a blue snap indicator, it usually indicates that it was only sent to you. The red or purple ones might be sent only to you but also to many others.
? – The gold heart on Snapchat is also the yellow heart, which means you have become someone's best friend, and they have become yours too. It lasts for at most two weeks as long as you two remain best friends, after which it disappears and is replaced by the red heart.
? Orange Heart emoji
It is commonly used to represent love, support, close bonds, and admiration for things that have some relation to the color orange, from the season of fall to sports teams that use orange.
Pink Hearts Emoji ?
The pink hearts emoji on Snapchat means that you and the other person have been each other's best friend on the platform for at least two months.
The emoticon :3 is used in texting and online chat to indicate a coy smile. For example: Ali: Would you like to go for a drink with me tonight? :3.
"Angry" is the most common definition for >:( on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. >:( Definition: Angry.
"In Love" is the most common definition for *_* on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
☺️ Smiling Face
Conveys a wide range of warm, positive feelings, including love, happiness, and gratitude. Similar to ? Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes, which has a broader smile, no eyebrows, and smiling eyes. This smiley predates Unicode emoji support.
? Face Throwing a Kiss emoji
The winky-kissy face throwing a kiss emoji, or kissing face, is mostly used to express romantic affection or appreciation for someone or something.
? Two Hearts emoji
Portraying two heart symbols, with the larger one bigger and in the front, the two hearts emoji is widely used to express love, affection, pleasure, or happiness.