While on the candida diet, people should avoid the following foods: Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn, beans, and peas. High sugar fruits, which include bananas, mangoes, figs, and raisins. Certain meats, such as processed meats and farm-raised fish.
The Candida diet is a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet intended to eliminate the sugars that feed Candida overgrowth. It focuses on non-starchy vegetables such as asparagus, bean sprouts, beets, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower), leafy greens… the list goes on.
Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all squash except zucchini, beets, peas, parsnips and all beans except green beans. They all contain sugar and can lead to Candida overgrowth. You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steam or grill them.
3. Onion. Popular around the world, onions are celebrated for their strong anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties. They also help the kidneys to flush excess fluids out the body: highly beneficial for Candida sufferers who experience water retention.
Foods to Eat on a Yeast-Free Diet
You can eat fresh low-sugar fruit (such as lemons, limes and small quantities of berries) and nonstarchy vegetables, including asparagus, cabbage, kale, cucumber, spinach and tomatoes.
When it comes to rice and Candida cleanse, brown rice is a top choice. But don't be so quick to dismiss white rice, especially basmati, which packs more fiber than other polished grains. Still, portion control is key. Don't go overboard with large serving sizes.
The best vegetables to eat while fighting Candida are generally those that are high in micronutrients but relatively low in carbs. These include all leafy greens like spinach or kale. They also include anything from the cruciferous family, like broccoli, cauliflower, or cucumber.
There's no set amount of time to follow the candida diet. Some people may feel better after a month. In contrast, others may see their symptoms clear up in several months. But once you feel better and see symptoms disappear, you shouldn't immediately go back to eating a high-carbohydrate diet.
Eating yeast free, gluten free bread will help you minimize the effects of Celiac, and will also reduce the side effects from Candida due to reduced sugar and yeast production in your body. Right now, you can get great tasting yeast free, gluten free brown rice bread and yeast free, gluten free multi-seed rice bread.
No canned veggies, no boiling of veggies, no microwaving, no head/iceberg lettuce: use only red or green leaf, romaine, spinach, kale, cabbage, collard green, beet greens, mustard greens, etc. The darker the green the better. Ideally, the best way to eat veggies is to stir fry, steam them, or bake them.
Protein: Lean protein, such as eggs and skinless poultry, are usually allowed on the Candida diet, as are bone broth and certain fatty fish. Low-mold nuts and seeds are also approved. The Candida diet also excludes red, organ, and processed meats.
Most dairy products should be avoided on the Candida diet. Dairy foods like milk and cheese tend to contain lots of natural sugars (e.g. lactose) and they can also be difficult to digest. Many people have latent sensitivities to dairy products (especially those from cow's milk) without even realizing it.
Foods to eat on a candida diet:
Fermented foods such as yoghurt and sauerkraut. Low-sugar fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit and watermelon. Grains like millet, quinoa and oat bran. Sweeteners like Stevia and xylitol.
The following foods are yeast-free:
Sweet Potato. Oatmeal. Yogurt.
High-sugar fruits: You'll also want to avoid high-sugar fruits like bananas, mangoes, watermelons and grapes. Dried fruit is also a no-go.
Yeast-free grains include items made from corn, rice, oats, and dense wheat products such as pasta.
Yeast is most commonly found in processed sugars, gluten-based foods and grains (a candida diet is recommended for people who have a yeast infection). In addition to this, it is also recommended to stay away from meat and starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots and avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.
Berries & Grapes
Yeast is not only added to foods, but it also grows in the wild. It is found in small amounts on berries and grapes. For some with a yeast allergy, this small amount is enough to cause an allergic reaction.
Fresh Vegetables
Root vegetables such as carrots and potatoes can be eaten in moderation but beware as they contain carbohydrates that will turn to sugar once eaten. Frozen, canned or jarred vegetables can be eaten but should be consumed in moderation – in general fresh is always best.
Multiple lab studies have shown that the allicin in garlic can prevent fungal growth and even prevent the growth of candida albicans, the specific fungus that usually causes yeast infections.
Several studies show that ginger has powerful antimicrobial actions and can inhibit the growth of candida and other pathogens. In one study, an antifungal cream with added ginger was more effective at relieving yeast infections than the antifungal cream without ginger.