Cinnamon just not enhances taste but significantly contributes in improving health by cooling the body by up to two degrees, according to research.
Cinnamon like alcohol, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cauliflower, lobster, coffee, garlic, ginger, glutinous rice, kimchi, onions, and pumpkin may increase body heat. As the body heat or inflammation increases from consuming too much Cinnamon the body will try to vent this excess heat.
Adding cinnamon to your diet can cool your body by up to two degrees, according to research published today. And the spice may also contribute to a general improvement in overall health.
The blood circulation promoted by the consumption of cinnamon has a warming effect on us. Cinnamon may thus also offer people who always feel too cold a good alternative to a hot water bottle.
Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help boost your immune system. Drinking cinnamon water regularly can help your body fight off infections and diseases.
Cinnamon water is known to have properties that help in managing blood sugar levels in the body. This means, if taken in the right amount, cinnamon drinks may help people suffering from diabetes. As mentioned earlier, Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, which help flush out toxins.
Overall, cinnamon is a great spice for warming you up and bringing some spark to your digestion during the cool winter months, making it perfect for vata and kapha doshas (but pitta be careful; it may be too heating for you!)
A warming spice with sweet, pungent, and bitter flavors, cinnamon is excellent at revving up the digestion. Because of its warming properties, it's pacifying for Kapha and good for balancing Vata as well. Pitta types can consume cinnamon, too, but in relatively smaller quantities.
Given the lack of evidence about its safety, children, pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding should avoid cinnamon as a treatment. Lower blood sugar. Cinnamon may affect your blood sugar, so if you have diabetes and take cinnamon supplements, you might need to adjust your treatment.
Cinnamon when consumed in smaller quantities has excellent health benefits. A glass of cinnamon water daily can help you tackle weight loss, improve digestion and fight a host of diseases. It even improves heart health and helps us fight infections.
Benefits of Drinking Cinnamon Water Every Day
cinnamon has metabolism-boosting properties that can help your body burn fat more effectively. cinnamon also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which can prevent cravings and hunger pangs. Simply add cinnamon to water and drink it throughout the day.
The benefits of cinnamon are fairly varied if you're wondering. It possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, and antidiabetic effects. As per Ayurveda, the best way to add cinnamon to your diet is by making a cup of cinnamon water and having it on an empty stomach.
Can I drink cinnamon water at night? Jesse Feder says, “Yes, drinking cinnamon water at night is healthy. Cinnamon water benefits by relaxing the muscles, aids in digestion, boosts metabolism and immunity, and increases feelings of well-being.”
Drinking cinnamon tea at bedtime may avoid excessive weight gain and may also help in losing some. Even if you are busy with the Christmas or New Year celebrations, or are marking the end of the year by holidaying, adapt this healthy ritual that will not throw your diet completely off the track.
Going by the name 'Tvak' in Sanskrit, cinnamon is an excellent pacifier of Vata and Kapha doshas but increases the Pitta doshas. It has a sweet-pungent taste (i.e. madhura-katu rasa) and characterizes a hot potency (i.e. ushna virya).
One of our favorite herbs for warming up is cinnamon. You may know it as a flavor, or as a spice in your cabinet, but this potent plant is a powerful warming herb. Cinnamon is thought to help light our internal fire, both figuratively and physically.
Thus, the major side effect of consuming cinnamon beyond the doctor's advice is a drop in blood sugar levels. Due to lowered blood sugar, symptoms like fatigue and dizziness may also be observed.
“Cinnamon works wonders in relaxing your muscles and removing tension from your body,” says Pasricha, and might help you drift off to sleep.
A cup of cinnamon water a day can keep the weight gain away. Here's how you can brew it | HealthShots.
"Adding cinnamon to your water is not only hydrating and delicious, it can also supply an array of health benefits, such as: delivering antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties, supporting heart health, lowering cholesterol, and potentially aiding in weight loss," says Poon.