Full-fat condensed milk is full fat cow's milk from which water has been removed to about one-half of its original volume. It is mostly found with sugar added, in the form of sweetened condensed milk. It can be used as a topping on desserts, bakery products and fresh fruits. It makes dishes creamier, rich and sweet.
Condensed milk has about 10%–12% fat and 36% total solids. The milk is initially heated at a low temperature, close to pasteurization temperature, and then subjected to evaporation under partial vacuum (at about 5°C).
Sweetened condensed milk is made by the addition of sugar to whole milk and the removal of water from the milk to about one-half of its original volume. The product is canned or packaged in other containers without sterilization, with the sugar acting as a preservative.
Condensed milk is cow's milk from which water has been removed (roughly 60% of it). It is most often found with sugar added, in the form of sweetened condensed milk (SCM), to the extent that the terms "condensed milk" and "sweetened condensed milk" are often used interchangeably today.
Like milk, condensed milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin A, riboflavin, phosphorus and protein. These nutrients are necessary for strong bones and teeth, a robust immune system and a healthy cardiovascular system.
Risks of Condensed Milk
Condensed milk might not be the ideal option if we're trying to lose weight because it's high in calories and includes added sugar. A better option if we want to cut calories is evaporated milk. Condensed milk also includes lactose, which might be harmful to people who are lactose intolerant.
Condensed milk, also called sweetened condensed milk (there is no unsweetened condensed milk), is a concentrated milk product made by heating cow's milk at reduced pressure. The milk is heated until the water content has reduced by half, then sugar is added to bring the sugar content up to 55 percent.
This shelf-stable product is a form of concentrated milk in which about 60 percent of the water content has been removed, after which sugar is added before canning. Condensed milk contains 40 to 45 percent sugar. It's rich and thick, with a caramel color and a super-sweet flavor.
Condensed milk is evaporated milk that typically has sweetener added, so much so that the terms 'condensed milk' and 'sweetened condensed milk' are used interchangeably. Sugar is added before canning; condensed milk is very sweet and contains about 40 to 45 percent sugar.
Condensed milk comes in regular, low-fat, fat-free, and even chocolate varieties.
Dietitians advise eating condensed milk not as an independent product, but in combination with other products, such as pancakes or fruit, and drink it with unsweetened tea.
Sweetened condensed milk is a thick, super-sweet mix of milk and sugar that's been heated to remove half the water. By law, it's 8 percent milk fat and 28 percent milk solids. Compare that with regular milk, which is a little more than 3 percent milk fat and 8 percent milk solids.
Condensed just means that the milk was cooked down in order to remove some of the water from it, the same way you would cook down a stock or a sauce to concentrate its flavor. Sweetened: Yeah, you guessed it. There's sugar added to sweetened condensed milk.
The term 'condensed milk' is commonly used when referring to full cream sweetened condensed milk whereas the term evaporated milk is generally used while referring to full cream unsweetened condensed skim milk. Skimmed milk products are known as sweetened condensed skim and unsweetened condensed skim milk respectively.
Whole milk/full cream milk:
Milk from which the cream has not been removed is called 'whole milk' or 'full cream milk'. “It contains more than 3.5% of fat; it is highly nutritious and provides the essential nutrients required for growth and development.
In baked goods, condensed milk lends tenderness, moisture, and flavor to the recipe, as well as color to the crust. Condensed milk is very popular for use in desserts and sweets—it's a prime ingredient in an old-fashioned key lime pie.
Sweetened condensed milk starts with the same process as evaporated milk—regular milk is boiled down to about half the amount to create a decadent, creamy product. However, a generous amount of sugar is added to the evaporated milk to sweeten it, which turns it into condensed milk.
Condensed milk has a very sweet and milky flavor due to the added sugar and reduced water content. It's got a very viscous, opaque, and syrupy texture that is perfect for sweetening drinks and desserts. My favorite brands of condensed milk are Longevity Brand and Borden – Eagle Brand.
Condensed milk benefits come from its versatility, as many people use it instead of cream. Producers take unsweetened condensed milk, then add sugar as a preservative. This adds a sweeter taste and is useful for situations where refrigeration is limited.
Stovetop Sweetened Condensed Milk Substitute
In a saucepan, whisk together 2 cups milk and 1 cup sugar. Heat the mixture on medium to allow the sugar to dissolve. Reduce the temperature just before the milk begins to boil, and then leave it to simmer on low.
Yes, milk does a body good. But in the case of sperm, men may want to forego the high-fat stuff. Full-fat dairy foods can negatively impact sperm count and motility. It's better for your guy to reach for low-fat milk, skim milk or milk alternatives like almond milk or coconut milk.
Even so, the sugar from syrup or sweetened condensed milk can also trigger acne. So don't consume them too much. You can also replace it with a natural coconut water with fresh squeezed orange juice without sugar, for a fresher and healthy cool sensation.
Condensed milk is an amazing addition to your coffee. Not only does it smooth over the bitter, sometimes acidic taste of your morning brew, but it also adds a subtle hint of sweetness.