The tree-like Guardians of the Galaxy member known as Groot is a popular comic and MCU character with an iconic tagline, and in a tie-in series from 2015's Secret Wars event, he becomes worthy of wielding Mjolnir!
Thor's hammer Mjolnir was defined by the fact that only the 'worthy' could lift it – so basically no-one except the god of thunder (and Vision, for some reason). But when it comes to the weapon's replacement, Stormbreaker – which Thor forges in Avengers: Infinity War – Groot is able to lift it too.
Once Groot found a use for the star's energy (lifting the axe to create a handle) the energy would leave his system. So yes, he was worthy, for a time.
During a Vudu Viewing Party for Avengers: Infinity War, co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo revealed a key difference between Thor's hammer Mjolnir and his new ax Stormbreaker: the latter doesn't require worthiness. That's why Groot was able to lift the ax, not because he was worthy but because he didn't need to be.
For unexplained reasons, Thor remains the only one able to lift the hammer in this universe despite Odin never shown enchanting it with the "worthy" spell. Mjolnir returns in Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) with Jane Foster wielding a reconstructed version of the hammer.
Yes, even Spider-Man has been worthy of holding the hammer of Thor.
Groot is a Flora colossus from Planet X, the capital of the branch worlds. The Flora colossi are tree-like beings whose language is almost impossible to understand due to the stiffness of their larynxes, causing their speech to sound like they are repeating the phrase "I am Groot".
In Norse mythology, the hammer Mjolnir is simply too heavy for anyone other than Thor to lift, but over the centuries, the story evolved and even super-strong entities couldn't lift the weapon.
Groot's abilities are all-natural and stem from the dendronic wood that makes up his entire body. The extraterrestrial bark he was born with makes him invulnerable to most projectiles and even fire. He can control all plant life via psychokinesis, absorbing it into his body and making himself stronger.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. You will anger Lady Hellbender either way, and both choices pay out 12,000 credits it's more a decision based on whether you want to play a stealth mission, or a firefight mission.
We rated the strength of each Avenger on a scale of 1 to 10, using evidence from the 23 movies. Scarlet Witch was ranked the strongest. Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three.
Director James Gunn broke a million hearts today when he confirmed that, yes, Groot dies at the end of the first Guardians of the Galaxy.
The short answer is yes, Thor is still worthy of lifting Mjolnir after Thor: Love and Thunder. His worthiness comes down to the reason why Mjolnir chose Jane. In the comic books, Mjolnir does choose Jane to be Thor after Thor becomes unworthy and is unable to lift it.
Unfortunately, Odin was unable to enchant Stormbreaker, which means that any being strong enough is capable of wielding the mighty axe. During the final battle in Endgame, Thanos managed to get a hand on Stormbreaker and use it against Thor.
Strength level
Groot is able to lift up to 100 tons. Through size manipulation, he can lift up greater weights, although the limits are unknown.
The hammer Stormbreaker is very similar to Mjolnir, made of mystic Uru metal and is nearly indestructible.
For example, Marvel – which publishes the Thor comics – issued a “Thor's Hammer” trading card in 1991 that states Mjolnir is made of Uru and weighs precisely 42.3 pounds. That's lighter than a herd of 300 billion mice, much less a herd of 300 billion elephants.
If Thor's hammer is indeed made of a star, like the Marvel comic book says, it would weigh as much as 300 billion elephants. Assuming the average weight of an elephant, this equates to approximately 4.5 quadrillion pounds, according to a Slate report (we'll trust their math).
Groot was the last of his kind once Ronan's army had erased the Flora colossus, however Groot was able to save the World Pod within himself, which he could use to recreate the Flora colossus race by planting it in the sacred pool.
Flora Colossus Physiology: Groot is the member of an alien race of humanoid trees and as such, possesses various abilities unique to his species.
CAN MAGNETO LIFT THOR'S HAMMER? Yes,magneto can control magnetic fields not metals. So Marvel had revealed that Magneto can lift Thor's hammer.
Both in the comics and the MCU films, many characters other than Thor himself, both heroes and villains, have been able to lift Mjolnir. Only a select few, however, have been able to do so out of worthiness. From Throg to Beta Ray Bill, these heroes have proved that they have a heart as pure as the God of Thunder's.
in Hulk (2008) #5
In a battle of sheer brawn, Red Hulk seizes control over Mjolnir.