Is Infacol good for colic?

Infacol contains the active ingredient simethicone and will may help relieve wind, infant colic and griping pain from birth onwards.

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How quickly does Infacol work?

Infacol has a progressive effect, which means that it should be given to your baby for several days to achieve the best results. If your baby's colic hasn't improved after three to four days you can increase the dosage to two droppers full (1ml).

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How effective is Infacol for colic in babies?

Infacol is often used by parents with colicky babies and it is a 'go to' colic product and many families recommend that Infacol helps colic. It is an anti foaming agent called simethicone. With claims that it reduces the surface tension of bubbles of trapped gas, it makes it easier to pass.

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How does Infacol work for colic?

Infacol oral suspension contains the active ingredient simeticone, which is a type of medicine called an anti-flatulent. It works by bringing together all the small bubbles of gas that can get trapped among the stomach contents. This forms large bubbles that are more easily expelled by burping or passing wind.

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What are the side effects of Infacol in babies?

Infacol Side Effects
  • Sudden blotchy skin rashes patches.
  • Running nose or watering eyes.
  • Swelling around the mouth.
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea.

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Infacol explained - How do you treat infant colic?

35 related questions found

Is it OK to use Infacol with every feed?

How often can I use Infacol? Infacol's active ingredient, simethicone, does not get absorbed into your baby's body. Infacol can be used as often as required, before each and every feed regardless of how many times you feed your baby during the day.

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Is Infacol for colic or reflux?

Infacol is one of the 'go to' colic products for parents who are facing the struggles of a colicky baby.

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Do babies burp with Infacol?

Scientific evidence for efficacy appears scant, but actually our baby (and many more according to reviews here) has significantly improved by giving Infacol. It makes him easier to burp, as it's an anti-foaming agent, making the gas bubbles easier for him to expel.

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Is Infacol OK for newborns?

Infacol can be used from birth onwards, unlike gripe waters, which are only suitable for babies of 1 month old, or over.

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How many times a day should Infacol be given?

How often can I use Infacol? Infacol can be used up to 12 times a day, and should be administered before each feed. Infacol's active ingredient, Simethicone, does not get absorbed into the baby's body. Do not exceed 12 doses per day.

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What makes colic worse in babies?

Foods that are passed through your breast milk to your baby may trigger colic. If your baby is colicky and you are breastfeeding, avoid eating or drinking the following foods for a few weeks to see if that helps. Stimulants, such as caffeine and chocolate. Dairy products and nuts.

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Can you use Infacol just at night?

If after 3 or 4 days your baby's colic still seems to be upsetting, you can double the dose to two droppers full (1ml). This may be especially useful at night, before the evening feed. Infacol should be used for several days to achieve the best results, as treatment may show a progressive effect.

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How do I know it's colic?

What are the symptoms of colic? A healthy baby may have colic if he or she cries or is fussy for several hours a day, for no obvious reason. Colicky babies often cry from 6 p.m. to midnight. Colicky crying is louder, more high-pitched, and more urgent sounding than regular crying.

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Do you give Infacol before or after feeding?

You'll usually take it after meals and at bedtime. For babies with colic, the usual dose is between 20mg and 40mg, up to 6 times a day.

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What does Infacol actually do?

Infacol Colic Relief Drops are designed to treat colic and griping pain caused by trapped wind in infants from birth onwards. A sugar, alcohol and colour free liquid with a natural orange flavour which relieves infant colic and griping pain by freeing and releasing trapped wind.

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Does Infacol help with gas pain?

Infacol's active ingredient works by helping the small, trapped gas (air) bubbles join into bigger bubbles, which your baby can easily expel as wind – helping to relieve discomfort.

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Is colic painful for babies?

These bouts of crying may last for three hours or more and occur mostly in the afternoons and evenings. The baby seems to be suffering from abdominal pain. Colic affects around one in three babies. Usually, cuddling or trying to soothe the baby's cries does not work.

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Can Infacol cause more wind?

Infacol can gently help to bring up wind as its active ingredient – simeticone – helps the little trapped gas bubbles join into bigger bubbles which your baby can easily bring up as wind – helping to relieve the pain.

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When does colic stop?

Colic is when a baby cries a lot but there's no obvious cause. It's a common problem that should get better by around 3 or 4 months of age.

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What is best for colic babies?

Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops contain simethicone, which the AAP says is safe to give to your baby up to 12 times a day to break up gas bubbles and relieve bloating and gas pain. These gas relief drops don't have any added ingredients, so parents can feel good about giving it to their babies.

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How many times a day can a newborn have Infacol?

Infacol is simple to give – even when your baby is crying. The normal dose is one dropper full (0.5ml) given before each feed for several days, but don't worry if you forget one or more doses.

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How long before feeding should I give Infacol?

every feed preferably half an hour before.

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How do you give Infacol to a breastfed baby?

If you're breastfeeding simply administer the liquid before the feed and if you're using a bottle the liquid can be added to the milk/fomula. Make sure you use Infacol with every feed to ensure the product builds up in your baby's system.

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What is the 3 3 3 rule for colic?

Colic is often defined by the “rule of three”: crying for more than three hours per day, for more than three days per week, and for longer than three weeks in an infant who is well-fed and otherwise healthy.

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