Studies have shown that, on average, shutting off your air conditioner at night will reduce your total cooling costs by somewhere around 30% compared to leaving it turned on 24 hours a day.
Studies have shown that if an air conditioner is left turned on 24 hours a day, approximately two-thirds of its total energy consumption occurs between noon and midnight. Theoretically, this should mean that shutting off the AC from midnight to noon will reduce your cooling costs by around one-third.
The outdoor nighttime temperature. If the nighttime air that comes into your home cools the indoor temperature to lower than you usually set the thermostat for the air conditioner, turning off the AC should save you some money.
If You're Leaving Home for the Day or Weekend ...
"It's more energy efficient to keep the unit on but turn the temperature setting up," she advises. Turning off the AC unit during the day is not necessarily a bad thing — it is a myth that the AC unit has to work extra-hard to cool off a hot house.
To stay comfortable and save money this summer, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78°F (26°C) when you are home. Setting your air conditioner to this level will allow you to stay cool and avoid an unusually high electricity bill.
This is the best thermostat temperature for summer
It also suggests that the thermostat be set to 82 degrees Fahrenheit when sleeping and 85 degrees Fahrenheit when out of the house for maximum savings -- recommendations that were met with scorn and disbelief on social media.
Having your AC run for a couple of hours to cool down your home in the evenings will not put enough strain on your system to blow out a compressor. In fact, some experts believe that turning off your AC during the day can actually be good for the system.
For the best A/C temperature for sleeping, the National Sleep Foundation, for its part, says your bedroom should be somewhere between 60 to 67 degrees for optimal snoozing, as that range helps your body cool down and fall asleep faster.
But while higher temperatures can make sleeping a struggle, experts warn against keeping the AC on at night. From health risks associated with poor sleep to increases in energy costs, both sleep and home energy experts suggest the few adverse effects of running your AC outweigh the benefits of keeping cool.
Being smart about your thermostat settings can make a real difference to your energy consumption year around. By reducing your home's temperature to 68 degrees Fahrenheit and under during winter and about 78 degrees Fahrenheit during summer, you can conserve energy and cut down your energy bills for good.
Additionally, dust and other pollutants may also enter your home and negatively impact your home's indoor air quality. In order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your air conditioner, Peters Associates recommends that you keep windows and doors closed while your AC system is running.
Turning up the A/C while you're away from home is an excellent way to save on utility costs. During milder summer days, you might even consider turning it off.
Choose the right temperature
As per the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), the ideal temperature for the human body is 24 and any AC will take less load to achieve that target. So, it is better to set the AC temperature around 24.
If your area is currently at the design temp, your AC should run the “average” 12-16 hours per day. If it is five degrees higher, it will run 14 to 20 hours per day. At 10 degrees over, it will run 16 to 22 hours per day. At 15 degrees over, it will most likely run all day.
Your AC unit should run its cycles for about 15 to 20 minutes, no more than a couple of times within an hour.
On average, the best air conditioner temperature setting for summer in Australia is around 23℃ – 24℃ for comfort or 25℃ – 27℃ for maximum energy savings. In winter, reverse cycle heating should be set to around 18℃ – 20℃.
Speaking with, Dr Rajat Agarwal, Additional Director, Critical Care Medicine, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute said, “It is advisable to maintain the AC temperature at 24-25 degrees Celsius as it is considered most optimum for healthy bodily functions.”
26 Degree is ideal temperature for Inverter AC! #savings - YouTube. You can drastically reduce your electricity bills by adjusting your air conditioner temperature. Ideal temperature for Inverter AC is 26 degrees if you really want to reduce your bill.
What temperature is too cold for air conditioning? As a general rule of thumb, HVAC manufacturers usually recommend that users don't operate units for prolonged periods of time if the temperature is below 16-18 degrees Celsius.
It is absolutely safe to use ACs of all types. One should set the temperature between 24 to 30 degrees centigrade. The humidity is automatically taken care of. In central ACs, fresh air ventilation is part of the AC system.