The seeming ease of perceiving the two color extremes hides a formidable challenge confronting the brain every time we look at a surface. For instance, under the same illumination, white reflects much more light to the eye than black does.
The most readable color combination is black text on white background; overall, there is a stronger preference for any combination containing black […]
Light backgrounds
White backgrounds: Simple and classic, black text on a white background provides the highest readability ratio. Blues and grays also provide the right contrast and thus work well on white backgrounds.
Their general findings were: 1) Black and white were consistently rated as the most readable; 2) Color combinations that included black were rated more readable than those that did not; and 3) Darker text on lighter backgrounds were rated higher than lighter text on darker backgrounds.
About 50% of people have impaired eyesight. For them, a back background can be much more difficult to read. A white background is better because their eyes are less dilated with a narrower focus and less distortion around the edges.
Tan, cream, white, and neutral shades of almost any color on the color wheel can be used. Black and white photographic backdrops also help you achieve a sleek, professional look that highlights your subject perfectly.
On the other hand, since yellow is the most visible color of all the colors, it is the first color that the human eye notices. Use it to get attention, such as a yellow sign with black text, or as an accent.
When it comes to color combinations, your eyes prefer black text on a white or slightly yellow background. Other dark-on-light combinations work fine for most people. Avoid low contrast text/background color schemes. If you wear contacts, your eyes have to work harder when staring at a screen.
The consensus is that the "non-colours", white and black, and the colours yellow, green, and orange are generally most acceptable. These colours (yellow, green, orange) are in the middle of the visible spectrum (the range of colours that our eyes can detect) and are the easiest for the eye to see.
White or bright yellow objects or print against a black background usually provide the strongest color contrast. Use solid colors as backgrounds to make objects “stand out.” Avoid the use of patterns, prints, or stripes. Place light-colored objects against darker backgrounds.
How does impaired vision affect reading? Text should be printed with the highest possible contrast. There is good evidence that for many readers who are older or partially sighted, light (white or light yellow) letters on a dark (black) background are more readable than dark letters on a light background.
Cooler colors (blue, green, some violets, and yellowish-green colors) remind us of nature. They bring a sense of coolness and refreshment. They are also colors that move away from the eye but bring a calmness that many warm colors can't.
If you're using your phone in a low-light environment, it's more comfortable to read text on a black background as opposed to a white one. It's also much less distracting to the person laying next to you trying to get some sleep! -Helpful in reducing eye strain.
A quick summary of Visual Stress (sometimes called Irlen Syndrome, Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity, Visual Stress or Visual Dyslexia) About 30% of the population are uncomfortable with black text on white backgrounds because their visual cortex is oversensitive to certain wavelengths.
Overly saturated colors like black and dark blue are the hardest to manage in a color control program. That's because spectros work by measuring the amount of reflection at the specific wavelengths at which light reflects from the surface of a sample. As a color gets darker, it reflects less light.
Some people find that dark lenses are best for sensitive eyes, as they block out more light. Others find that lighter lenses are more comfortable, as they allow some light in. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference. As a result, wearing blue lenses will provide you with more colors than wearing gray lenses.
When broken down by gender, men ranked gray, blue, and green eyes as the most attractive, while women said they were most attracted to green, hazel, and gray eyes. Despite brown eyes ranking at the bottom of our perceived attraction scale, approximately 79% of the world's population sports melanin-rich brown eyes.
One study by Travelodge found that households that have blue bedrooms received the best night's sleep compared to any other color. Having blue in your room can make you feel safe, relaxed, and calm. As a result, it's one of the best bedroom colors for sleep.
Red is the color of power. It gets people's attention and holds it. It is the most popular color for marketing. The color red tends to increase the heart rate and create a sense of urgency.
Verging on black, this dark, malleable hue is distinguished by warm green undertones.
Red is by far the number one most attractive color to most men, but some other contenders are blue, black, pink, and green.
While blue eyes are more sensitive to light during the day, people with blue eyes tend to see better at night – unless there are bright lights.
approximately half the population has some degree of astigmatism. white text on black backgrounds creates a visual fuzzing effect called “halation” halation is known to reduce readability of text and is particularly bad for people with astygmatism.
If it is too sensitive to a black/white contrast, you will get this effect, known as contrast sensitivity. It is also called visual stress or Irlen Syndrome after Helen Irlen who first discovered it in the 1980's.