For instance, partial dentures pose a challenge when it comes to kissing. They're secured to your natural teeth with hooks or clasps, which might not be enough when it's time for action. The pressure can dislodge the denture and in a worst-case scenario be swallowed by either partner.
Kissing that creates suction is more likely to loosen your dentures. Pushing against your partner's mouth too hard can also cause them to move. Whether a partial or denture, it can take time to adjust to kissing because your new teeth won't have any nerve endings.
In most cases, you won't be able to tell that someone is wearing dentures if you have well-fitting dentures that are professionally made, are regularly cleaned, and fit well.
If you have partial dentures, the artificial teeth do not have a connection to your brain, which will make chewing difficult at first. Start out with soft foods like eggs, vegetables, fish and cereal before moving up to meats and harder foods.
The Cons of Partial Dentures
Partial dentures can increase the buildup of plaque around the abutment teeth leading to tooth decay and gum disease. The abutment teeth may experience trauma along with the gums due to the pressure and movement of the partial. The loss of an abutment tooth may require a new partial.
Try and avoid foods that are extremely sticky or hard when wearing your partial dentures. Be careful when eating foods like meat, firm fruits and vegetables or candies and gum. You may even want to avoid some of these items during the adjustment period.
You may notice minor differences in your speech.
Your tongue, lips, and cheeks will need time to get accustomed to your dentures. Try reading out loud to yourself – it's an exercise that will help you get back to your normal speech. Also, initially speak slowly to prevent muffled speech.
The answer is yes; you can feel normal with dentures. Modern technology has made it easy; dentures can feel as if they are part of the mouth. You need your dentures to feel like part of your mouth because they play an important role in your life, including how you look and feel when you smile.
Regardless of the type of dentures you're using, wearing them in your sleep is a bad idea, and will cause you a number of health issues down the line. To keep your mouth bacteria-free, your gums healthy, and your bones unaltered and strong, make sure to remove your dentures every night before going to sleep.
Partial dentures pose a special challenge for kissing. They tend to be secured to your natural teeth with hooks or clasps, which is secure enough for many things, but it might not be enough for kissing. The first problem is that puckering your lips creates suction that can dislodge dentures.
Ideally, your dentures should support your lips and cheeks, but if they are too large, they can actually push your dentures outward, resulting in puffy lips and cheeks. The correct fitting of dentures can usually prevent this, but the denture flanges that go around the gums can cause puffiness for some people.
Dentures can also cause puffy lips and cheeks if they're too short, causing the lips and cheeks to fold, similar to what happens in sunken lips, only they're folding outward rather than in.
Dentists often recommend a removable partial denture to replace up to three consecutively missing teeth to restore function and aesthetics. This dental prosthesis can help patients chew again and stabilize the remaining natural teeth. According to the Cleveland Clinic, removable dentures can last five to seven years.
Generally you should wear your dentures for at least 8 hours a day. This will give your gums and jawbone time to get used to the dentures and prevent sore spots from developing. It is best to take them out at night so that your gums can rest. You should also remove them for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing.
The short answer is yes, dentures can definitely change the shape of your face. But if you've been missing teeth or dealing with bad, ill-fitting dentures, the change may be for the better.
While some patients feel adjusted after three days, others may not feel completely adjusted until weeks in. You'll know you've learned how to survive with partial dentures when taking care of them has become so habitual that you don't need to think as much about it anymore.
Partials are a much better option than a complete denture to replace lost teeth in your lower jaw if some natural teeth can be saved. Most people have difficulty adapting to a removable complete lower denture. There is a break-in time to get used to having a partial in your mouth.
This survey demonstrates that about 95% of patients may be dissatisfied with their current dentures and lack the education or choice when selecting the appropriate denture.
Yes, you can clean your dentures while they are still in your mouth. As long as you use a soft-bristled brush and avoid the use of any abrasive toothpaste, brushing your dentures as if they were natural teeth won't do any harm. You might use this practice as quick way to freshen up your mouth between meals.
Dentures' Impact on Taste
Dentures should not affect taste, as all taste buds are on the tongue so covering the palate with denture acrylic should not affect a person's taste of food. However, some new denture patients complain that they can't taste food as well with the dentures as they could before they had dentures.
Eating solid food
If you feel ready to tackle solid food after a few days, you can try soft options such as rice and pasta, soft breads, skinned fish and meat and vegetables softened in a soup or slow cooked. Avoid hard, chewy, crunchy, sticky or spicy food and alcohol while your mouth is sore or healing.
Take out the partial dentures, soak and wash in cold water. Wet the denture brush or a regular soft-bristled toothbrush, apply denture cleaner or a non-abrasive toothpaste and use that to gently brush the partials to remove food debris, plaque and other deposits.
Flexible dentures are most comfortable because it hugs the contours of the gum and it does not cause bruises to the gum and can last longer than other types of dentures.
Typically, a dentist will recommend partial dentures when you have three or more missing teeth that are next to each other.