Is it harder for South Asians to build muscle?

South Asians are able to mount an anabolic response to resistance exercise training of a similar magnitude as White Europeans with similar increases in muscle mass and strength.

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Do South Asians have lower muscle mass?

Abstract. Living South Asians have low lean tissue mass relative to height, which contributes to their elevated type 2 diabetes susceptibility, particularly when accompanied by obesity.

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Do South Asians retain more fat?

Research does show that South Asians, when compared to other ethnic groups, tend to have certain physical characteristics 1,2: Lower levels of lean tissue (muscle) relative to height. Thinner arms and legs. A higher amount of overall central fat storage — aka, belly fat.

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What are the genetics of South Asians?

Modern South Asians are descendants of a combination of an indegeneous South Asian component (termed Ancient Ancestral South Indians, short "AASI"), closest to Southern Indian tribal groups, and distantly related to the Andamanese peoples, as well as to East Asian people, and Aboriginal Australians, and later-arriving ...

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What is the BMI of South Asians?

Healthy BMI for South Asians is less than 23 kg/m2.

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39 related questions found

Which race has the highest body fat percentage?

The average percent body fat, according to DXA, in the study sample was 36.9% (table 3). Mean DXA-assessed percent body fat estimates differed by ethnicity: 36.5% (SE=1.1) in whites, 39.1%(1.0) in blacks, 37.1%(1.4) in Hispanics, and 34.8%(1.1) in Asians.

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What BMI is considered skinny in Asia?

According to the world and Chinese standards, BMI <18.5 is considered underweight [10, 11], BMI from 18.5 to 25.0 is considered normal weight, BMI from 25.0 to 28.0 is considered overweight, and BMI >28 is considered obese.

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What are South Asians mixed with?

Nearly all of the Indian subcontinent's ethnic and linguistic groups are the product of three ancient Eurasian populations who met and mixed: local hunter-gatherers, Middle Eastern farmers, and Central Asian herders.

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What is the largest ethnicity in South Asia?

The two largest language groups in South Asia are Indo-Aryan and Dravidian. Indo-Aryans are most commonly found in Northern India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Dravidians are found mostly in Southern India and small pockets of Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

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What disease is more common in South Asians?

South Asian health issues
  • Diabetes and heart disease.
  • Smoking and chewing tobacco.
  • Eye health and kidney health.
  • Blood and organ donation.
  • Travelling to south Asia.
  • Coronary heart disease (CHD) is also more common in south Asian people, as is the risk of dying early from CHD.

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How should South Asians eat?

Healthy Eating and Diet Tips for South Asians
  • Cut down on simple, refined carbohydrates.
  • Cut down on eating high calorie and fried foods.
  • Choose unsaturated fats over saturated fats.
  • Choose less or smaller portions of fatty or carbohydrate heavy foods.
  • Include plenty of fresh vegetables and also fruit.

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What country eats the most fat?

Belgium, where people eat 95 grams of fat each day on average, holds the distinction of being the world's most fat-crazed country. Germany, where people eat 86.5 grams of fat each day on average, is second. Finland, where people eat just shy of 81 grams, is third.

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Why do so many South Asians have diabetes?

South Asians are at higher risk for Type 2 diabetes, up to four times higher than other ethnic groups probably due to a combination of genetics and environment. Recent studies have shown that South Asian diets high in refined ("bad") carbohydrates are associated with diabetes risk factors.

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Which ethnicity has the most muscle?

There is an additional aspect that deserves to be considered. Available data beginning at age 18 years through age 80 indicate that males and African Americans have more skeletal muscle mass than females and other ethnic groups across the entire age range, even adjusting for weight and height [41] .

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Why do South Asians have less lean muscle?

Proposed explanations for South Asian low lean mass range from the long-term impacts of climatic adaptations, through dietary changes with the transition to agriculture and/or the adoption of vegetarianism, to the more recent impacts of severe 19th century famines, which were exacerbated by colonial policies.

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Do South Asians have thicker skin?

Asian and black skin has thicker and more compact dermis than white skin, with the thickness being proportional to the degree of pigmentation. This likely contributes to the lower incidence of facial rhytides in Asians and blacks.

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What is the oldest country in South Asia?

Nepal is the oldest independent sovereign country in South Asia.

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What percent of Asia is white?

At least 21 million of European, Russian, North American and South American nationalities and heritage live in Asia, representing 0.45% of the total population of Asia.

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What is the biggest race in Asia?

East Asian ethnic groups include the Han Chinese (the largest ethnic group on the planet), Koreans, and Japanese. South Asian ethnic groups can be found in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

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Are South Asians healthy?

South Asian people are also more likely to develop health problems that can lead to heart disease, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes – diabetes is up to six times more common in South Asian people.

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What are South Asians called?

“South Asian,” “brown” and “Desi” are three that are dominant today. For some, they're apt names to describe inherently similar cultures and a connected history. Others say they paint over a vast array of peoples who make up the subcontinent and its diasporas.

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What do South Asians believe in?

The primary South Asian religions are Hinduism and Islam. Minority religions are Buddhism, Christianity, and Sikhism.

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What is the ideal body weight for Asians?

Based on WHO BMI standard the categories are as follows: 18.5–24.9 kg/m2 (normal weight), 25–29.9 kg/m2 (overweight) and ≥30 kg/m2 (obese). For Asians, the WHO Asian BMI categories standard are as follows: 18.5–22.9 kg/m2 (normal weight), 23–27.5 kg/m2 (overweight) and ≥27.5 kg/m2 (obese).

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Why is BMI not accurate for South Asians?

The way BMI is calculated for South Asians is different to the way in which it is calculated for people with a European background. The reason for this is that South Asians have been found to be more at risk of the problems of being overweight such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

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What is considered overweight in Asia?

These classifications for BMI have been adopted by the NIH and WHO for White, Hispanic, and Black individuals. Because these cutoffs underestimate risk in the Asian population, the WHO and NIH guidelines for Asian individuals define overweight as a BMI between 23 and 24.9 kg/m2 and obesity as a BMI >25 kg/m2.

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