Is it OK to be friends with someone who likes you?

Yes, it is possible to befriend them, but the awkwardness on their part is going to be great, because they have already confessed their feelings to you. As time passes, that awkwardness tends to decrease because they find it easier being around you.

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Is it OK to be friends with someone you liked?

Staying friends with someone after developing real romantic feelings for them can be hard. However, many people have successfully remained friends after unrequited love confessions. Although it's common for two people not to be able to get past potential awkwardness, it can still be possible for some.

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Can I be friends with someone who is attracted to me?

Absolutely, there are a lot of attractive people around who are friends with each other. But the twist lies in what you expect from your friend to whom you are attracted or who is attracted to you. Attraction is subjective, it depends upon what you think of as being attractive and your expectations from it.

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Is it okay to be friends with a guy who likes you?

No, it isn't wrong. As long as you don't make him feel as if he has a chance to be anything more with you, then it should be fine. If he can't get over liking you whilst being just friends, then that is his fault and so the friendship wouldn't work.

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What to do with a friend who likes you?

How to deal when a friend has an unrequited crush on you
  • Don't lead them on. It's nice when someone has a crush on you. ...
  • Be kind, but clear. It's necessary to let your pal know you don't have feelings for them, but it's just as important to be sensitive about how you do it. ...
  • Don't make it a big deal. ...
  • Give them space.

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The TRUTH About Being Friends With Someone You Like

40 related questions found

What to do if your friend also likes your crush?

In this situation, it's important to be self-aware, communicative, and open with your friend about the mutual crush. It's also important to treat the person you both like with respect, not as a prize to be won.

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What to do when your friend starts liking your crush?

Her advice is to be as open and honest as possible, but make sure you're also prioritizing yourself and your mental health. “Do what you can to heal and preserve the friendship,” she says, “and if that doesn't feel possible, reserve your right to keep your distance, at least for a while.”

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How to get out of the friend zone?

Try these tips:
  1. Make your intention known. Don't tiptoe over your romantic feelings—if you're having them, then it's a sign you should take action rather than wait. ...
  2. Learn their standards beforehand. What do they value in a partner? ...
  3. Have options. ...
  4. Don't always be available. ...
  5. Tell them you're not friends.

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How do you tell if someone likes you but is hiding it?

10 Signs That Someone Likes You But Is Hiding It
  1. They may act a bit awkward around you. Who doesn't get a bit tongue-tied around a crush? ...
  2. They compliment you often. ...
  3. They get a little jealous. ...
  4. They ask questions. ...
  5. They remember the details. ...
  6. They want to spend time with you. ...
  7. They listen. ...
  8. They lean in when you talk.

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How does a guy friend act when he likes you?

There Can Be Other Signs a Guy Likes You Romantically

For example, he may also smile more, laugh at your jokes more, act differently when around you, and drop everything just to do something that makes you happy.

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Can you be friends with someone you have chemistry with?

Sexual tension doesn't have to stop you from being friends. If the feeling is mutual, and both parties are comfortable with sexual chemistry, then there's no reason why you can't be friends.

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Can I sense if someone is attracted to me?

The clues aren't always obvious, but you can see some of them by paying attention. When someone finds you physically attractive, it shows by always making eye contact, always wanting to touch you physically, and frequently initiating conversations.

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Can other people see chemistry between two people?

Intense romantic chemistry is hard to cover no matter how much you try. If the connection between two people is really strong, then yes, other people can sense the chemistry between them.

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Can a guy be friends with a girl he likes?

Yes, Mature Men can be legitimate, authentic friends with the women they're sexually attracted to. We can work respectfully alongside them, hang out with them, have lunch with them, talk sincere and impartial with them about their boyfriends and husbands and do pretty much anything else we'd do with any other friend.

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How common are friend crushes?

"It's extremely common to have a crush on a friend," she tells Elite Daily. "In fact, I'd even say in many friendships where both people are single, someone has a mild crush on the other at the beginning of the friendship. That's because a relationship equals a friendship plus attraction.

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Can you be friends with your crush after rejection?

Several experts recommend waiting 6 months to a year before trying to befriend someone you once had romantic feelings for. In the meantime, get back out there on the dating scene! Having a new crush can help show you the rejection wasn't that serious to begin with.

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How do you know if someone fancies you?

9 ways to tell if someone likes you
  • They respond quickly. Dating experts will often use the phrase, “if they want to, they will”. ...
  • The message you often. ...
  • They use emojis. ...
  • They pay close attention. ...
  • They mirror you. ...
  • They accommodate your platform of choice. ...
  • They exhibit positive body language. ...
  • They ask you about yourself.

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How do you test whether a guy likes you?

22 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You, From Dating Experts
  1. He leans toward you during conversation.
  2. He angles his body toward you in the room.
  3. He finds small ways to compliment you.
  4. He makes eye contact.
  5. He steals a glance at you.
  6. He singles you out in a group.
  7. He seems drawn to you in the room.

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How do I know if someone likes me but is shy?

  • He May Look Out For You.
  • He Will Try To Attract You With His Actions.
  • He Is Nervous Around You.
  • If He Smiles A Lot, You Know He Likes You.
  • He Will Share His Secrets With You.
  • He Hates It When You Mention Other Guys.
  • He Shows Interest In Your Actions.
  • He Will Remember Little Details About You.

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How do you know if you're friendzoned?

Signs You Are In The Friend Zone
  • They Seem Extremely Comfortable Around You.
  • They Tell You About People They Like.
  • They Treat You As A Supportive Shoulder To Lean On.
  • They Never Do What You Want.
  • They Try To Set You Up With Other People.

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Am I being Friendzoned?

See if your crush tells you about other people they like.

If the person asks you for advice again and again and never once thinks that you might be interested, then you are definitely in the Friend Zone. If your crush talks to you about other romantic opportunities, then you are probably in the Friend Zone.

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Why does a girl Friendzoned you?

Getting sent to the friend zone is sometimes like getting sent to your room as a kid — you're there for acting immature. She might not hold that against you, but also not want to nag you into becoming the mature man of her dreams. She probably just wants a friend more than a project.

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What is the girl code rules?

“'Girl code' is the rules of being a woman, especially with regards to dating,” says Ellen Scott. It's stuff like: you can't date your friend's ex, you also can't date your ex's friend. If you saw your friend's boyfriend cheating on them – you'd have to tell your friend.

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How do you get over a crush that Friendzoned you?

Here are some tips on how to get over someone who friendzoned you and move on, for real:
  1. Focus On Yourself.
  2. Know Your Priorities With That Person.
  3. Cut Her Off, If You Need To.
  4. Keep Yourself Busy.
  5. Get Back In The Dating Game.

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What to do when someone has a crush on you but you don t?

Simply tell him you're not interested, but do it in a kind way, especially if you want to keep the friendship intact. He may not be able to only be friends with you, but you'll feel better knowing that at least you tried. You could say, “I'm flattered you feel like that, but I don't want to risk hurting our friendship.

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