It's OK to put your cat alone in a room at night so long as your cat is OK with it. It's not just a matter of locking them in; you have to prepare the room, the cat, and yourself. You will need to take the time to acclimate them to this new living situation and make sure that they are never under undue stress.
If your cat is used to being outdoors at night and you want to start keeping him in, you may find he becomes restless, but your cat will soon get used to the new routine (as long as you meet the cat's needs as detailed above). Please note: A cat should never be locked out all night.
If you or your partner have asthma or allergies, your cat shouldn't be allowed in the bedroom at all. Ideally, you should make your bedroom off limits from day one. Kitty will be less likely to scratch on the door and cry to be let in if she doesn't think of your room as part of her territory.
And unlike dogs, cats actually prefer smaller spaces and tend to find hideaways and corners to retreat when they need their space. Although cats may need a little less, a cat can happily live in one room only if they have everything they need.
Not unless it bugs you. If it tries to sleep with you, or keeps pawing at your face to get she/he some food, yeah. Otherwise, no. I have a cat that will sleep on my bed with me sometimes, and I let him do it.
They Don't Want to Give up of Their Territory
When you close a door, it is no wonder that many cats will try to open, scratch, or attack it in every single way. They may simply find your attempt to close a door as a sign that undermines their absolute reign of the territory.
There a several reasons why cats hate closed doors:
They are curious creatures and want to know what's on the other side. They feel trapped. They want to be where the action is. It's a learned behavior.
Some cats are “innies” and some our “outties”. Some have the best of both worlds. But for those that are housed exclusively indoors, boredom can set in if their environment lacks enrichment.
There is no definite rule for how much room cats need to feel comfortable. In general, an area of about 20 square feet scattered throughout the various rooms in the house can be considered an absolute minimum amount of space for a cat.
Your new cat will need to be in their safe room for at least three days, but some may need longer. Once you feel your cat is comfortable and confident in their room, it's time to open the door and let them explore the rest of the home. We suggest doing this one room at a time.
Make sure your cat's beds are away from any draughty areas but also not too close to any heat sources – the temperature should be not too cold or too warm but just right. Soft, fleecy beds provide the most comfort and if they have tall sides that your cat can hide behind, such as a cardboard box, that's even better.
Where Cats Go at Night. It's natural to wonder where the heck cats go at night. At home, they're usually sleeping, playing, cuddling, eating, or sleeping some more.
Letting sleeping cats lie
Most cats will be aware of what is happening, but some might be sleepy and disorientated and react defensively to a perceived threat. Cats need a lot of sleep, so don't wake them up or disturb them when they go off to their favourite nap spot.
Make a routine: let them outside at the same time every day and bring them in at the same time every night. o Do not let your cat stay outside at night. o Let them out before feeding time so that they can remember to come home… that's where the food is!
In 10 minutes your cat will have made the connection between their bad behaviour and their isolation which is no fun. It is unfair to punish your cat for an extended length of time by shutting it away without access to food, water or a litter tray.
Cats, while often independent creatures, still crave attention and love, in addition to their obvious nutritional needs of fresh water, clean litter, and food. If you decide to bring a cat or kitten into your home, you should be prepared to spend at least 20 minutes a day giving your cat loving one-on-one attention.
There is a belief that indoor cats aren't as happy as outdoor cats, but this is not true. Your cat may look happy outside as they're roaming through nature, but in reality, they could be getting exposed to life-threatening hazards.
Instinct tells cats they are vulnerable while sleeping, so they choose areas they feel safe, secure and warm. They tend to like burrowing into bags, cat beds or cat caves to take a stress-free nap as well as block out noise.
Cats are often thought of as being independent creatures who are happy in their own company. But your cat can get lonely. Interacting with the human they love helps to enrich their lives (and yours). If your cat sleeps with you this indicates that they enjoy your company and want to spend time with you.
Cats Need Stimulation Even While You're Gone
People think cats can be left alone because they sleep so much and tend to be independent, but Johnson-Bennett says they need interaction and enrichment, too. This will help your cat to alleviate any boredom issues, and the behavior problems that can develop as a result.
Cats like peace and quiet. Household conveniences, like vacuum cleaners, can easily disrupttheir nap time.
Most people tend to be comfortable at room temperature, which is about 68 F or 20 C (not too hot, not too cold), but what temperature do cats like for their comfort? Much higher, around 86 F and 100 F or 30 C and 38 C, as cited by The Scientific World Journal.
As long as your cat has the space and resources to express all of their natural behaviours and isn't frustrated when they can't go outside, there's no reason they can't live a perfectly happy life as a house cat. However, cats used to having outdoor access find it difficult to make the adjustment as adults.