You can take your camera or phone with you as you walk down the street, and you are at liberty to take a photograph of anything or anyone you want to while you are walking. Even if you are taking photos from inside your own property, it's better to think of this as being a liberty and not a right.
There is no law preventing people from taking photographs in public. This includes taking photos of other people's children.
It is not currently an offence in Australia to photograph someone without permission or to distribute or publish photos of people without permission in other circumstances.
Never take photos of people without their permission, and try to be aware of your surroundings. If you see someone taking your photo without your permission, it's your right to ask him or her to stop. If you're undressed and someone is taking your photo, put in a call to the police.
Secret photography is the use of an image or video recording device to photograph or film a person who is unaware that they are being intentionally photographed or filmed. It is sometimes called covert photography.
“Generally, you can take any photos you want of people when they are in a public location, like a park, a beach or a city square. It's perfectly legal since they have elected to place themselves in a public location and have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
It is generally OK for people to take photographs at any public place or any private place that they own or rent. Being present on someone else's private property generally requires the property owner's consent to take photos.
If we don't have that inner feeling of self worth, we allow external images to dictate how we feel about ourselves.. which is why we dread or are scared of being photographed because we don't want to feel negative emotions about ourselves if the photo isn't what we think it should look like.
Inappropriate or explicit imagery means pictures, images or videos containing or promoting violent language, gruesome or disgusting imagery, graphic images of physicaltrauma, gratuitous portrayals of bodily fluids or waste, foul or offensive language, cruelty or gratuitous violence towards animals and/or pornographic ...
Perception and the Mirror Image Effect
One of the primary reasons we feel like we look worse in photos is because we're used to seeing ourselves in the mirror. This reversed image of ourselves is how we've come to recognise our appearance, and when we see a photograph, the differences can be jarring.
Generally, consent must be obtained from either one party or all parties for a conversation to be lawfully recorded in private in Australia. The parties required to provide consent for the recording vary from state-to-state and depend on the circumstances.
Publishing or communicating recordings of conversations
Even if you were involved in a conversation that was legally recorded, it's still illegal to communicate the conversation or publish it without the permission of the other people involved in the conversation (with some exceptions).
Australians value privacy. They expect that their rights to privacy be recognised and protected. People have a right to the privacy of their own body, private space, privacy of communications, information privacy (rights concerning information about a person), and freedom from surveillance.
If a stranger takes photos on public property, such as at a park or on a city street, you are giving your consent by being in a public area. If someone you do not know takes pictures of you on private property, you may have some rights according to the rules of the private property.
Copyright Infringement. If you post a photo you didn't shoot, you could be violating someone's copyright. The Facebook Terms of Service state, "You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.
A normal pic might not have any traumatic or embarrassing consequences later on down the road if things go bad with your online friend. But if you're considering sending something like a nudie, and don't know if you really trust or know this person yet, don't do it if you'll regret it.
Offensive photographing is when a picture is taken of you in a place that you have understood as private. This means that it does not matter what the picture is of, or if the picture has been spread.
Fair Use comes allows you to use an image based on three conditions. First is if it used for limited non-profit and educational use. Second is if it is changed so drastically that it no longer has the same meaning or purpose, and third is if it is used informatively for the public good.
Category A – Images involving penetrative sexual activity, sexual activity with an animal or sadism. Category B – Images involving non-penetrative sexual activity. Category C – Indecent images not falling in categories A or B.
And There's more to that. Not only are narcissists more likely to produce selfies, the very act of taking selfies alone makes people more narcissistic. Results from a longitudinal study show an increase in the subsequent levels of narcissism in people who photograph themselves more often.
Because of how close your face is to the camera's lens, certain of your features may appear exaggerated. Photos can only capture a two-dimensional image of our true self. If your face is naturally round and soft, the flattening effect of photographs may confuse people about who you really are.
shut·ter·bug ˈshə-tər-ˌbəg. Synonyms of shutterbug. : a photography enthusiast.
Australia does not have clear definitive laws when it comes to privacy and photography. We don't have laws that give you a right to privacy in general, which means there's no law stating that an image of you can't be used without your permission.
Camera shyness is the desire to avoid being photographed or filmed. It is common for individuals who are camera-shy to fear public speaking, performing in front of an audience, and having one's picture taken by any type of camera or by video camera.
Several possibilities come to mind. First one is they really like your door. Perhaps there is some detail they would like to copy. It is also common to take take a photo, to document a delivery.