Although the hand of Hamsa is now synonymous with Judaism and Islam, its original symbol still remains. In this way, it is acceptable for anyone to wear it, no matter whether they are religious or simply trying to ward off evil and bring on good luck.
If you feel comfortable wearing evil eye jewelry and the protective hamsa symbol together, then go for it! Some people believe that the hamsa hand also protects against the evil eye, so wearing both may offer extra security to the wearer.
The Hamsa Hand: A Universal Sign of Protection
Although the Hamsa hand is known to bring fortune and fertility in some religions and cultures, its primary spiritual meaning is protection against the evil eye.
Evil eye jewellery is also said to provide protection from evil forces, while Hamsa jewellery is said to bring good luck.
Due to its significance in both Arabic and Berber culture, the hamsa is one of the national symbols of Algeria and appears in its emblem. It is also the most popular among the different amulets (such as the Eye and the Hirz—a silver box containing verses of the Quran) for warding off the evil eye in Egypt.
The hamsa is deemed sacred in the Buddhism, as a symbol of wisdom.
The Hamsa, also known as the Khamsa, the Humes hand, the Hand of Fatima and the Hand of Miriam, is a popular symbol found throughout the Middle East and northern Africa, particularly within the Islamic and Jewish faiths. It is one of the national symbols of Algeria and appears in its emblem.
Whether or not the Hamsa should be facing up or down depends on what you want to do with it. If you are looking to be safe from evil and to have negative thoughts banished, go with the hand up. If you wish to show abundance and positivity, have it facing down.
“In our religion, attitudes, behaviours and beliefs that attribute the ultimate influence on anything other than Allah are forbidden. For this reason, it is not permissible to wear evil eye amulets and similar things around the neck or anywhere for the purpose of benefiting from them.”
The word “Hamsa” means “five,” representing the fingers of the right hand. For Hindus and Buddhists, it symbolizes chakras, energy flow in the body, the five senses and the mudras that effect them.
It is believed that the bracelet should be worn on the left side, as your left side is believed to be the emotional side of the body. It is also the side of your body that holds your heart, so it is appropriate to wear it on the left arm to protect your vulnerability from the Evil Eye.
The evil eye bracelet can be worn on either hand depending on why you're wearing it. Each wrist can have unique effects on your life, so knowing the difference is essential.
The most common form of the evil eye amulet comes with a blue eye. But there are other colors of the evil eye, and it isn't weird for one person to have multiple evil eye bracelets. It is not just for getting matching bracelets for different outfits. The colors all have different meanings.
The color white is often associated with the evil eye because it is thought to represent purity, goodness, and innocence. The white evil eye is also thought to be associated with wealth and is believed to bring about good luck and positive energy.
Here are the meanings behind different evil eye colors: Blue: Perhaps the most common color when it comes to evil eye amulets. A blue eye is the color of good luck or good karma. This color projects positive energies such as creativity, motivation, commitment as well as protection against evil eye.
When the Hamsa hand faces down it is often interpreted as a gesture of welcoming into your life an abundance of goodness. Of kindness, friendship, and grace-- of all that the universe has to offer.
For Hindus and Buddhists, the hamsa represents the chakras, the five senses and their associated mudras (hand gestures) that re-direct energy flow throughout the body.
The palm-shaped amulet known as the hamsa is a significant icon in Israeli culture. More than just warding off the evil eye, the hamsa symbolizes a culture among Mizrahi Jews (from the Middle East and North Africa) that was almost extinguished but is now celebrated anew.
Hamsa was approved as part of Unicode 14.0 in 2021 and added to Emoji 14.0 in 2021.
The dark blue evil eye offers protection from karma and fate, whereas the turquoise variant provides health and overall safety. If you're looking for power, then the black evil eye is your go-to color.
Purple Evil eye; Boost your imagination; Re-balance your life; To remove obstacles. Brown Evil eye; Protection from the elements; Connection with nature; Orderliness and convention. Red Evil eye; Brings you courage; More enthusiasm and energy; Protection from fears and anxieties.
Typically, when in jewelry, the evil eye is blue and white. However, different colors are used for other meanings. For example, an orange color can represent protection as well as happiness, motivation, creativity, and playfulness. Dark blue is for karma and fate protection, while light blue is for general protection.
According to the rules of etiquette, a woman should wear a bracelet and a watch on different hands: a watch on the left, a bracelet or other jewelry on the right. The left-handed lady wears the opposite.
Report Ad. The red evil eye is a symbol of courage, protection, and strength. Many people believe it to ward off evil spirits and keep the wearer safe from harm. This evil eye charm is usually red in color, but it you can also see it in other colors such as cobalt blue, green, and black.
If you want to wear an evil eye bracelet because you want to have overall protection for your personal life and emotions, you should wear it on your left hand. Remember, the heart is on the left side of your body, so it's highly related to strong emotions like love and fear.