Levi Ackerman is considered to be the strongest character by many fans of Attack on Titan. He was known as humanity's strongest soldier at the beginning of the series and is as powerful as titan shifters despite not having any titan abilities himself.
Zeke Yeager
Zeke, the inheritor of the Beast Titan, is Levi's greatest enemy. The two have fought in many epic battles throughout the series and are very close in strength. In their first battle, Levi hesitated to kill Zeke, allowing him to escape when Pieck saved him.
Unsurprisingly, Levi Ackerman ranks #1 on our list. He's the best Titan killer, flying through the air on his ODM gear like he was born in it. Additionally, the man is street-smart due to his past, as well as strategically gifted because of his commitment to learning from Erwin.
Despite his small stature, Levi Ackerman is named the strongest human in the world of Attack on Titan, and he uses all his strength to fight the Titans. Any Titans within his range, he will kill them as swiftly and smoothly as possible. Levi is also able to fight the Titan Shifters.
When it comes to pure skill, Levi far outranks Eren. Not only does Levi have more experience in the field, but he's also just a better fighter overall. Without his ability to transform into a Titan on command, Eren wouldn't stand a chance against Levi.
58+ Titans 12 People
Captain Levi's record of Titan kills (58+) is yet to be beaten by any human, and he has killed more than a dozen people during the course of the story. Thankfully, he never has to waste another moment murdering people after the war's conclusion.
Levi Ackerman is a family member of the Ackerman clan which is a family tree of people who were experimented with titan science to become superhuman beings to serve the Eldian Empire. This experimentation enhanced all of their physical abilities beyond what a normal human being is capable of.
The Beast Titan's bombardment nonetheless completely eradicates the charging soldiers, nearly killing Commander Erwin and ending the lives of all but one of the recruits. However, in Zeke's distraction, Levi successfully ambushes the Beast Titan, completely dismembering it with no time for Zeke to defend himself.
Levi is strong AF…! Levi's awakened power and his training from Kenny Ackerman are the reasons for his unbelievably strong skills. He is not a Titan Shifter, yet he can manifest the Power of the Titans as a human due to his awakened power.
Mike speaks of his faith in humanity to Nanaba. Mike Zacharias (ミケ・ザカリアス Mike Zakariasu?) was the squad leader (分隊長 Bun-taichō?) of Squad Mike, a major division of the Survey Corps. A trusted soldier, he was considered humanity's second strongest soldier after Captain Levi.
The matchup between Levi and Tanjiro would be a close one. The young demon slayer has demonstrated an incredible amount of strength, speed, durability, and adaptability in the first season of the anime. Still, Levi approaches battle with a stone-cold efficiency that Tanjiro lacks.
Founding Titan is the first and the strongest Titan of all the nine. If the Founding Titan is someone from Royal Bloodline, then it will possess limitless power. Eren Yeager was not someone of royal blood that's why he asked for Zeke's help to use the Founding Titan to its fullest.
Levi is about 13-15 meters behind the female titan, and assuming Levi used his 3DMG to its fullest, Levi's body would've been moving at a speed of 150-165km/h (100miles pr hour) when he dodges the fist.
9) Mike Zacharias
Mike Zacharias was called Humanity's Strongest Soldier until Levi Ackerman joined the Survey Corps and for good reason. He led his own squad and was incredibly talented at both combat and being a quick-thinking, intelligent leader.
No, Levi does not die at the end of Attack on Titan. Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan's mangaka, created the scene between Zeke and Levi where the former caused an explosion that sent Levi flying - as we saw in the conclusion of season 4 part 1.
As the two begin a struggle, the Armored Titan is knocked off of his adversary by a projectile thrown by the Beast Titan. The Armored Titan is caught in a daze but eventually recovers and targets the Attack Titan once more. However, it is caught in a barrage of projectiles thrown by the Beast Titan, tearing it apart.
During her training days, Mikasa was the strongest soldier in the 104th Cadet Corps so a lot of soldiers already knew about her by the time she graduated. By the end of the manga, she even surpassed Levi as the strongest character from Paradis.
This human-hybrid clan of Ackermans was gifted with an ability that aids them with their ultimate protective purposes -- this "awakened power" allows them to know exactly what needs to be done, according to Levi's explanation.
Canonically Levi's most powerful connection is to Erwin Smith. He has this great bond of trust, care and respect said and enlighted by the author Himself, voice actors, producers and additional canon materials, but also it is in plain sight in the narrative structure of AoT and Levi's character.
As mentioned above, the Ackermans are immune to the power of the Titans -- their memories can't be erased by the power of the Founding Titan. The reason for it is that their bloodline has been modified, as they are no longer considered as Eldians who can turn into, and/or affected by the power of the Titans.
The death that changed Levi's life the most was also the first person he lost, his mother. She lived in the Underground and worked in a brothel, where she went by the name "Olympia". It was very hard for her to raise her son but she loved him very much. She died from an unknown sickness and Levi was left on his own.
Overview. After Levi, Furlan, and Isabel have joined the Scout Regiment, the former thugs plan to kill Erwin Smith and steal some documents during the scouting mission, as this was the job they were assigned to. However, during the 23rd Exterior Scouting Mission, Furlan and Isabel are killed by an Abnormal Titan.
mikasa almost kills levi - Attack on Titan season 3 part 2 episode 6.