Circumcision is the cutting off of a part of a person's genitals. It is the destruction of tissue. Unless there is medical or clinical indication for the surgical amputation of flesh, it is by definition, genital mutilation.
There is substantial disagreement amongst economists, bioethicists, theologians, philosophers, doctors, and political scientists over the practice, with little in the way of a general consensus beyond a belief that routine circumcision of neonates for health purposes is a cost-ineffective and ethically-problematic ...
Reasons not to choose circumcision
wanting to avoid surgery that is not essential and that carries some risk of complications, even though these are small. concern that removing the foreskin may reduce the sensitivity of the tip of the penis and reduce sexual pleasure for both partners later in life.
Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman culture found circumcision to be cruel and repulsive. In the Roman Empire, circumcision was regarded as a barbaric and disgusting custom.
Based on MRI data collected throughout the process, the research team noted “significant trauma” in conjunction with the foreskin removal process, with the most pronounced brain changes occurring in the limbic system, which includes the amygdala and frontal and temporal lobes.
Conclusion: The highest-quality studies suggest that medical male circumcision has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual sensation, or satisfaction.
In terms of impact on sexual satisfaction, the majority of men (86%) and women (85%) believed that circumcised men have at least the same degree of sexual pleasure as those uncircumcised.
Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik consider circumcision to be recommended but not obligatory. This means that if done, its doer is rewarded by God, and if not done, there is no punishment or reward.
Our study found that most men surveyed were satisfied about their circumcision status, regardless of whether they were circumcised or not. We addressed regret directly in our survey and found that there was no statistically significant difference in regret among circumcised males as compared to uncircumcised males.
Why might I choose to get my baby circumcised? Parents may choose to circumcise their children for a range of reasons. About 1 in 10 newborn boys in Australia undergo circumcision in Australia today. Male circumcision has been performed for religious and cultural reasons for thousands of years.
The available data suggest there are important indirect health benefits of male circumcision for women, in particular a reduced risk of exposure to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Eventually, the foreskin should be retracted far enough during urination to see the meatus (the hole where the urine comes from). This prevents urine from building up beneath the foreskin and possibly causing an infection. As long as the foreskin doesn't easily retract, only the outside needs to be cleaned.
It is clean and plays an important role in moisturizing the glans penis. Specifically the foreskin helps to maintain penile warmth, proper ph balance and cleanliness. In a circumcised penis, the lack of the protective foreskin can lead to desensitization.
Circumcision is forbidden in Mandaeism, and the sign of the Jews given to Abraham by God, circumcision, is considered abhorrent by the Mandaeans.
Problems that may occur are skin or bloodstream infections, bleeding, gangrene, scarring, and various surgical accidents. A recent study showed that 1 of every 500 circumcised newborns suffered a serious side effect. Pain. The procedure causes pain.
Risks. The most common complications associated with circumcision are bleeding and infection. Side effects related to anesthesia are possible as well. Rarely, circumcision might result in foreskin problems.
Despite the aforementioned benefits, newborn circumcision rates in the United States have declined significantly over the past few decades.
Christianity and circumcision
In the Old Testament circumcision is clearly defined as a covenant between God and all Jewish males. Circumcision is not laid down as a requirement in the New Testament. Instead, Christians are urged to be "circumcised of the heart" by trusting in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.
While circumcision is not observed by the majority of Christians in most parts of the Christian world and mainstream Christian denominations do not require circumcision, it is still practiced among some Christian communities.
The possible medical benefits of circumcision include: A lower risk of HIV. A slightly lower risk of other sexually transmitted diseases. A slightly lower risk of urinary tract infections and penile cancer.
On the other hand, some circumcised women report having satisfying sexual relations including sexual desire, pleasure and orgasm. Female genital mutilation does not eliminate sexual pleasure totally for every woman who undergoes the procedure, but it does reduce the likely of orgasm.
Adult male circumcision was not associated with sexual dysfunction. Circumcised men reported increased penile sensitivity and enhanced ease of reaching orgasm. These data indicate that integration of male circumcision into programs to reduce HIV risk is unlikely to adversely effect male sexual function.
“Circumcised penises are definitely more attractive. Uncircumcised tends to look like there's been a lot of wear and tear on them after a while, because the foreskin stretches. Not that that hurts the sex.”
Foreskins removed during hospital circumcisions are sometimes sold to biotech labs, since young skin is ideal for researching skin for burn vitamins, insulin manufacture, and also making skin creams for ladies. One infant foreskin can be grown into literally thousands of square feet of new tissue.