Sourdough contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, making it super beneficial to your day-to-day health. Sourdough bread has small to moderate amounts of: iron, manganese, calcium, B1-B6, B12, folate, zinc, potassium, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin E.
We found the best bread for delivering iron was sourdough bread. That's because wheat contains a chemical called phytic acid that slows down iron absorption by the body. When sourdough bread is made, the fermentation process breaks down the phytic acid so the iron that remains is more available for absorption.
The Bottom Line
Sourdough has made a comeback—and for good reason. It's packed with nutrients, healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folate. It can improve digestion, lower chronic disease risk and even promote healthy aging.
Scientists, nutritionists, and health experts all agree that naturally-fermented sourdough bread is healthier than 'regular' white or whole wheat bread – for a multitude of reasons! Sourdough is more nutritious, easier to digest, and has a lower glycemic index. Sourdough also contains less gluten than other bread.
It's nutritious.
Sourdough contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, making it super beneficial to your day-to-day health.
Sourdough bread contains lactic acid, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Adding sourdough bread to your diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health.
How much sourdough bread is a healthy amount to consume in a day? It is currently recommended to consume 6 servings of grains per day. One sourdough slice of bread is equal to one serving.
Lower glycemic index: Sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index (54) than commercial bread (71). That means sourdough bread does not raise blood sugar levels as rapidly as refined white bread.
Sourdough bread's benefits range from reducing the risk of heart disorders to promoting nutrient absorption. It has a low glycemic index and is a good bread option for those watching their after-meal blood sugar spikes. However, overindulging in it may lead to gas and bloating due to its fermented nature.
BREAD: All types of bread, chapattis, pitta etc' and any food made from flour. Wholemeal flour is higher in iron than white flour.
4) Choose whole grain products in cereals and bread. Avoid iron enriched grains. Choose non-sourdough, yeast-fermented bread with at least 50% whole grain.
Iron-rich bread and cereal include: Enriched white bread. Enriched pasta. Wheat products.
Tea, coffee and wine contain tannins that reduce iron absorption by binding to the iron and carrying it out of the body. Phytates and fibres found in wholegrains such as bran can reduce the absorption of iron and other minerals.
When you eat heme iron with foods higher in non-heme iron, the iron will be more completely absorbed by your body. Foods high in vitamin C – like tomatoes, citrus fruits and red, yellow and orange peppers – can also help with the absorption of non-heme iron.
Improved Digestive Health
According to some studies, sourdough bread acts as a prebiotic, which means that the fiber in the bread helps feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria are important for maintaining a stable, healthy digestive system.
However, whole-grain sourdough bread consumption has significantly increased LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in certain participants with specific genes (APOE E3/E3).
Yes. Different breads have different moisture contents. A dryer bread like a sourdough might need less time to toast compared to a moister bread like a challah, however, it won't be drastically different. Just keep an eye on the bread as it toasts.
Like most things, if you eat too much sourdough bread it can make you very gassy. However, in comparison to yeast leavened breads and store bought white breads, sourdough bread should actually help you to fart less!
May be easier to digest
Traditional sourdough undergoes a slow fermentation process, the result of which is an increase in the bioavailability of the bread's vitamins and minerals. This process also starts the breakdown of protein (including gluten), making sourdough easier to digest.
Instead of white bread, choose whole grains
Research shows that fiber-rich foods, such as whole grain breads, cereals, and rice, can lower serum levels of C-reactive protein, decreasing inflammation.
Are peanuts inflammatory? The short answer is no, and in fact, peanuts and some peanut products like peanut butter have been shown to be anti-inflammatory. Inflammation in the body is a mechanism thought to be at the center of the majority of chronic diseases.
Whole grains:Oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and other unrefined grains tend to be high in fiber, and fiber also may help with inflammation.