Not only is sperm safe, but there may be some benefits to having sex and contact with sperm before and during pregnancy: Sperm and vaginal sex can help induce labor when the time comes. Oxytocin, one of the key hormones involved in progressing labor, is released during sex, and orgasms mimic contractions.
Your partner may be nervous that their semen will reach and hurt the baby during penetrative vaginal sex, but this isn't possible: Your baby is protected by the placenta, the amniotic sac, and the mucus plug. Most semen and sperm that enter a woman's body during sex is discharged the same way it went in.
For instance, we know that sperm helps to determine how well the placenta forms — a key factor in fetal development — and that impaired sperm dramatically increases the likelihood of miscarriage, possibly because it is known to contain high levels of free radicals.
Semen/sperm contains HLA-G. This is a protein that strengthens the immune system. Exposure to it helps to protect the body from preeclampsia. Another study from 2000 similarly showed that ingestion of semen is also shown to decrease preeclampsia risk.
A double pregnancy, or superfetation, is extremely rare — in fact, there aren't even stats on how often it happens — but it's scientifically possible. We're not saying you should worry about it happening to you, just that you can't say that it's impossible.
Fertility is most likely if the semen discharged in a single ejaculation (ejaculate) contains at least 15 million sperm per milliliter. Too little sperm in an ejaculation might make it more difficult to get pregnant because there are fewer candidates available to fertilize the egg.
It's such a rare occurrence that medical experts have only been able to identify a few confirmed cases of superfetation in pregnant women. So, while yes, you could get pregnant while you're already pregnant, it's probably not something to worry about.
However, while more frequent sex or masturbation may lower your sperm count slightly, it's unlikely to affect your fertility. You won't run out of sperm cells, no matter how often you ejaculate. A number of studies have looked at semen samples from men who ejaculated several times a day.
Even when the baby is in the womb, it starts to recognize the mother's mood, voice, laughter, etc. The baby also learns to distinctly recognize mother's laughter and your laughing and being joyful promotes a sense of calmness in the baby.
Pump up the iron
If your baby is deprived of oxygen in the womb, the risk of poor growth and lower IQ increases. Ask your doctor to test you for an iron deficiency. Then make sure your diet includes iron-rich foods like red meat, chicken, legumes, and fortified breakfast cereal.
Ejaculated sperm remain viable for several days within the female reproductive tract. Fertilization is possible as long as the sperm remain alive — up to five days.
Is it OK to have sex during pregnancy? Your developing baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in your uterus, as well as by the strong muscles of the uterus itself. Sexual activity won't affect your baby, as long as you don't have complications such as preterm labor or placenta problems.
Fertility treatment
Some fertility drugs work by stimulating a woman's ovaries, which can sometimes cause them to release more than one egg. If sperm fertilizes both of these eggs, this can result in twins. In vitro fertilization (IVF) can also increase the chance of conceiving twins.
To form identical or monozygotic twins, one fertilised egg (ovum) splits and develops into two babies with exactly the same genetic information. To form fraternal or dizygotic twins, two eggs (ova) are fertilised by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children.
Nature is designed to favour the conception of boys from September to November and girls from March to May because of an evolutionary mechanism aimed at keeping the overall sex ratio as near to 50:50 as possible, the scientists said.
They found that the most fertile months for conceiving a boy were from September to November, while the lowest fertile period was from March to May.
Effective sexual positions
Male sperm are less tough than female sperm, which is why it is best to consider having “doggie style” sex or any position that involves deep penetration. This means that sperm will be deposited closer to the cervix, giving the more aggressive and quicker moving male sperm a head start.
Sperm in the first fraction of ejaculate are more numerous, move more and present better quality DNA than those lagging behind.
For healthy semen samples collected between 5:00am and 7:30am were found to exhibit a statistically higher sperm concentration, total sperm count and a higher percentage of normally shaped sperm, compared to samples produced later in the day.
In rare cases, fraternal twins can be born from two different fathers in a phenomenon called heteropaternal superfecundation. Although uncommon, rare cases have been documented where a woman is pregnant by two different men at the same time.
Foods need to be rich in energy and nutrients. In addition to grains and potatoes, be sure your baby has vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little energy-rich oil or fat, and – especially – animal foods (dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry) every day.