Symptoms of cervical stenosis are related to abnormal compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. Neck pain, pain in one or both arms, and an electrical sensation that shoots down the back when the head moves are common painful sensations in patients with spinal stenosis.
Symptoms of spinal stenosis in the neck may include: Neck pain. Numbness or tingling that radiates down the arms into the hands. Weakness in a hand, arm, or fingers.
Exercises which flex, stretch or strengthen the back and neck can help to open up the spine, alleviating compression symptoms. Canes and walkers can also be used to walk in a forward flexed manner and provide some stability.
If untreated, this can lead to significant and permanent nerve damage including paralysis and death. Symptoms may affect your gait and balance, dexterity, grip strength and bowel or bladder function. It can cause pain, weakness, or sensory changes in either your arms or legs.
Cervical stenosis is a common cause of neck pain. It happens as there are changes with the vertebrae of the neck and the joints between those vertebrae. Bone spurs begin to form, causing cervical spinal stenosis. As the bone spurs grow, the spinal canal narrows and put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
Operations Used to Treat Stenosis
The ruptured or herniated disc is removed and replaced with a small bone plug, which eventually grows to connect the two adjacent vertebrae. Cervical Corpectomy Part of the vertebra and discs are removed and replaced with a bone graft or a metal plate and screws to support the spine.
Spinal stenosis symptoms may start slowly and worsen over time. Leg pain may become so severe that walking short distances is unbearable. People with spinal stenosis may experience numbness, weakness or cramping in legs, pain going down the leg, abnormal bowel or bladder function, and loss of sexual function.
Acetaminophen (eg, Tylenol), aspirin, ibuprofen (eg, Motrin, Advil), and naproxen (eg, Aleve) are examples of OTC analgesics that your doctor may recommend for spinal stenosis.
Surgical treatment of spinal stenosis is indicated if non-operative care fails or if there is neurologic loss or deficit, especially if the neurologic loss is progressive. Examples of typical neurologic loss or deficit include symptoms of numbness, weakness, loss of coordination or tingling in the arm or leg.
Some of these include: High-impact activities: Activities that involve high-impact, such as jumping, running, or contact sports, should be avoided as they can cause further injury to the spine. Heavy lifting: Heavy lifting can put a lot of stress on your spine and exacerbate your symptoms.
Flare ups may be caused by muscle spasms, which can be caused by bending or twisting suddenly. They may be caused by an additional problem such as a slipped disc. Some patients may just reach a tipping point where their stenosis becomes symptomatic without any identifiable cause or event.
The latest lumbar spinal stenosis treatment has been referred to with many different names, including non-fusion implant and dynamic stabilization system, among others. These names all refer to devices that are used in place of spinal fusion to provide stability and symptom relief.
Cervical spine stenosis appears to be very common and it estimated that cervical stenosis is present in: 4.9% of the adult population, 6.8% of the population fifty years of age or older. 9% of the population seventy years of age or older.
Stenosis is considered severe when it causes loss of certain functions or disabilities, or when other treatment options have failed to relieve symptoms. You should consult an expert neurosurgeon to assess your symptoms.
While a spinal stenosis diagnosis will stay with you for life, many patients with spinal stenosis live life in the absence of pain or with minimal symptoms, thanks to a variety of treatment options.
The best muscle relaxer for spinal stenosis can vary from patient to patient. However, the best options include baclofen, cyclobenzaprine, and methocarbamol. Baclofen is an antispastic drug that's widely used to treat muscle spasms in spinal cord conditions, including lumbar spinal stenosis.
These four stages are the Dysfunction Stage, the Dehydration Stage, the Stabilization Stage, and the Collapsing Stage.
In spinal stenosis, people typically experience less pain with leaning forward, and especially with sitting. Studies of the lumbar spine show that leaning forward can increase the space available for the nerves. Pain is usually made worse by standing up straight and walking.
If you have lumbar spinal stenosis, you may have trouble walking distances or find that you need to lean forward to relieve pressure on your lower back. You may also have pain or numbness in your legs. In more severe cases, you may have difficulty controlling your bowel and bladder.
The best sleeping positions for neck pain are usually side sleeping or sleeping on your back. You'll also want your pillow to be the right thickness such that it doesn't cause you to bend your head too far forward if you're sleeping on your back or too far to one side if you're sleeping on your side.
There's no cure, but there are a variety of nonsurgical treatments and exercises to keep the pain at bay. Most people with spinal stenosis live normal lives.
A neurosurgeon may perform a laminectomy with or without fusing vertebrae or removing part of a disk. A spinal fusion with or without spinal instrumentation may be used to enhance fusion and support unstable areas of the spine.
Many people with mild spinal stenosis find that nonsurgical treatments such as pain medication and physical therapy relieve symptoms and help them remain active. NYU Langone spine specialists work with experts in pain management, rehabilitation, and orthotics to create a treatment plan.
Most people have good results from surgery and are able to return to a normal lifestyle after they heal. People tend to have less leg pain and can walk better afterward. However, surgery doesn't cure arthritis or other conditions that might have caused the spinal canal to narrow in the first place.