Blue Symbiote (2) (Agony): In the comics Agony was one of the symbiotes forcibly spawned from
Many of the Symbiote species have their own unique colours, Anti-Venom is white, Sleeper is green, Scream is Yellow, Venom is Black, and Carnage is red.
As a Symbiote, Blue was able to bond with virtually any life-form, can emulate its host and even enhance their abilities. The symbiote doesn't need to mate either and can reproduce asexually.
As Toxin grew stronger, Venom and Carnage planned to destroy it together, yet Mulligan hoped to use his powers for good. Eventually, the symbiote and its host came to an agreement that allowed them to co-exist somewhat peacefully. Toxin is a red and black symbiote.
The symbiote in this instance is Toxin – one of the many symbiotes from the Marvel Universe.
* Spoilers ahead *
After suffering a beatdown at the hands of Shriek, we see Mulligan's eyes glow blue. One likely reason for this, is that a symbiote has been implanted in him…. somehow. In the comics, Detective Patrick Mulligan is host to the third symbiote introduced in Spider-Man lore, Toxin.
Early on in his career as a "lethal protector," Venom was captured by Carlton Drake's Life Foundation and had five samples of his costume taken and turned into new symbiotes. Four of those symbiotes - Riot, Lasher, Phage and Agony - are grouped together here.
In his final scene, actor Stephen Graham shows off the glowing blue eyes of seemingly possessed police officer Pat Mulligan. Mulligan just so happens to share his name with the first host of the Toxin symbiote in Marvel's numerous Venom spinoff comics.
The bond between the Carnage symbiote and Kasady was stronger than the bond between Brock and the Venom symbiote. Cletus Kasady was also a serial killer and thought of as insane. As a result, Carnage is far more violent, powerful, and deadly than Venom.
It's generally been accepted that symbiotes having separate colors is merely an easy way to distinguish one symbiote from another to a point that the Mighty Avengers: Venom Bomb arc treats them as interchangeable.
The Agony Symbiote (of Earth-616) is a purple Symbiote that was spawned from the Venom Symbiote by the Life Foundation.
Published Sep 21, 2021. Like his comic book counterpart, Venom 2's Carnage is "a red one," meaning a red symbiote. The reason for this isn't just for cosmetics. The color scheme of Carnage has been an important staple of the character since his debut in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man #360.
They rapidly age the symbiotes and pair them to people: Scream (yellow, female), Agony (pink, female), Lasher (green, male), Riot (grey, male) and Phage (orange, male).
Riot is a largely darkish blue symbiote. It grants its host fangs, claws, and a powerful build.
Inside is the Venom-X weapon, which is a type of sticky grenade launcher.
While Eddie Brock's Venom may not be the strongest here, he is recognizable and the most resilient Symbiote compared to many others. Even though he started out as a pure villain, Brock's Venom showed many heroic traits.
The spawn of the Venom symbiote then attached itself to Kasady through his bloodstream. Carnage achieves this by entering Kasady's body through a cut on his hand. This is the reason why Carnage appears as the colour red, as he entered through the bloodstream, which is of course red.
He soon finds out that one of his symbiotes were stolen by Eddie, so he orders men to hunt him down. Drake would ultimately be bonded with a symbiote named Riot, and have no more use for Eddie.
Diego would later be killed by a powerless Eddie Brock, when the latter was eliminating the "evil" of the symbiotes from the Earth. The character was introduced as the fusion of four symbiotes (Lasher, Phage, Agony and Riot), bonded to prison guard Scott Washington.
Toxin. The other symbiote alongside Riot, Scream and Phage is a blue and gold one, which - as initially shown in the Venom trailer - was set loose on unwitting test subjects.
Eddie BrockVenom. Bonding with an unearthly symbiote, Eddie Brock is given amazing powers and an unstable psyche.
Why is Carnage so powerful? The Venom symbiote eventually found Eddie and reunited with him, unknowingly leaving behind its offspring. This offspring eventually bonded to Kasady's blood through a small cut, making the Carnage symbiote have its red appearance, which resulted in Carnage being more powerful than Venom.