The Female Sign emoji ♀ represents female birth sex and feminine gender identities and expressions, often used online or in texts to champion feminism and women's empowerment. The emoji can be paired with others, such as the Woman emoji 👩, to celebrate International Women's Day, which falls on March 8 each year.
The three standard sex symbols in biology are male ♂, female ♀ and hermaphroditic ⚥; originally the symbol for Mercury, ☿, was used for the last.
The female version of 🧑 Person. Woman was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.
Two interlocking female symbols (⚢) represent a lesbian or the lesbian community, and two interlocking male symbols (⚣) a gay male or the gay male community. These symbols first appeared in the 1970s.
Open Emoji & Symbols from the Edit menu and choose the Pictographs category. If you don't have a list of categories on the left, make sure you have the expanded viewer by clicking on the button in the top, right corner. If you don't see Pictographs, choose Customize List… from the gear menu.
Gboard puts male and female emoji in the same menu for profession and activity emoji. For SwiftKey, press and hold the base emoji until a menu pops up. Then tap the skin color option you desire. SwiftKey keeps male and female emoji in separate menus, so the only option within will be skin tone.
However, the pregnant man and gender-inclusive emojis isn't the first move by Apple towards making people of different communities feel welcome. In 2019, the tech company added several same-sex couples and gender-neutral emojis to iPhone's keyboards.
"∼" is one of many symbols, listed in the Wikipedia article on approximation, used to indicate that one number is approximately equal to another. Note that "approximately equal" is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive. "∼" is one of many symbols used in logic to indicate negation.
3 symbol text (③ ⑶ Ⅲ ٣ ) is a collection of 3-like text symbols that resemble the shape of number 3. For example; circled digit three ( ③ ), parenthesized digit three ( ⑶ ), roman numeral three ( Ⅲ ), arabic indic digit three ( ٣ ).
Officially called the peach emoji, the butt emoji was first introduced in 2010 under Unicode 6.0. As its fuzzy, cleft appearance looks like a plump rear end, the peach emoji quickly came to stand for buttocks on social media and in text messages, especially a woman's in sexual contexts.
In a flirty message, the 🙃 emoji can carry the same weight as 😏 and 😈. So if they start sending a bunch of 🙃 in a row, they're probably trying to keep things light, playful, and flirty.
A symbol commonly used to represent those in the transgender community. Used within the draft emoji sequence for the Transgender Flag emoji, and also given emoji presentation on Samsung devices.
Same as with the guys, the hollow red circle and anger symbol emojis ⭕💢 would be used by girls with a sexual connotation referring to 'kegels'. It is often seen as a trend for girls on Tiktok where there's fast-paced music where it is suggested to exercise their 'kegels'.
There are many variants of the symbol, but the most common is a circle composed of two interlocking swirls/teardrops, one black and one white. Each swirl has a dot of the opposite color in it. The yin yang symbol represents the interconnectedness of the world, particularly the natural world.
Horseshoe (⊃, \supset in TeX) is a symbol used to represent: Material conditional in propositional logic. Superset in set theory.
∧ is (most often) the mathematical symbol for logical conjunction, which is equivalent to the AND operator you're used to. Similarly ∨ is (most often) logical disjunction, which would be equivalent to the OR operator.
The underscore symbol ( _ ) is a symbol that looks like a long hyphen positioned at the bottom of the line.
👉👈 — Shy, nervous (usually in the context of flirting)
👉👈 Separately, it is an emoji of a hand pointing to the right with the index finger and another one pointing to the left. But when combined, the meaning changes. Rodriguez explains that 👉👈 “literally serves to say “uwu,” which is used to refer to someone you like or with whom you have a close friendship.”
hollow red circle ⭕
This emoji is often used to convey that something, usually an answer, is correct. This is in reference to game shows, especially in Japan, where a red circle is used instead of a checkmark. Thus, this emoji is often used to show affirmation.
The 🤦 (facepalm) emoji can mean someone feels embarrassed.
When you feel embarrassed about something, one natural reaction is to hide your face in your hands, like you're cringing away from the situation.
A pregnant man holding his round stomach. Sometimes used in jest to represent feeling too full after overeating, as in a "food baby." Variants include Pregnant Person and Pregnant Woman. This emoji was approved to make the emoji keyboard more consistent and gender inclusive.
Non-gendered emoji are coming soon, with the Unicode Consortium revealing last week that among the 217 new emoji launching in 2021 will be a “person” image that is gender-neutral. The Unicode Consortium manages emoji standards, though the creation of the specific art is up to individual companies.