The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.
The word "floccinaucinihilipilification" means "the estimation of something as worthless." It's an 18th-century coinage that combines four Latin prefixes meaning "nothing."
Outside of this use, this gigantic word is often cited as being one of the longest words in the English language. At 34 letters, it is longer than other mouthfuls, such as antidisestablishmentarianism and floccinaucinihilipilification.
So what's the word? Wikipedia's says that it's "Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl ... isoleucine" (ellipses necessary), which is the "chemical name of titin, the largest known protein." Also, there's some dispute about whether this is really a word.
Honorificabilitudinitatibus (honōrificābilitūdinitātibus, Latin pronunciation: [hɔnoːrɪfɪkaːbɪlɪtuːdɪnɪˈtaːtɪbʊs]) is the dative and ablative plural of the medieval Latin word honōrificābilitūdinitās, which can be translated as "the state of being able to achieve honours".
Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic. This is the longest word in English which is composed of seven words. This 52-letter word was coined by Dr. Edward Strother to describe the spa waters in Bath, England.
The longest single-word town names in the U.S. are Kleinfeltersville, Pennsylvania and Mooselookmeguntic, Maine. The longest official geographical name in Australia is Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya. It has 26 letters and is a Pitjantjatjara word meaning "where the Devil urinates".
The longest word in the English language, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, won primary school speller Jemimah Elise Sampson, the East Coast Radio's Last Kid Standing title, as seen in the video below published by the East Coast Radio.
slubberdegullion (plural slubberdegullions) A filthy, slobbering person; a sloven, a villain, a fiend, a louse. A worthless person. A drunken or alcoholic person.
isoleucine. You'll notice there's an ellipsis here, and that's because this word, in total, is 189,819 letters long, and it's the chemical name for the largest known protein, titin.
Noun. hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (uncountable) (humorous) The fear of long words.
Some of the D words for kids are dig, door, date, drink, dinosaur, deer, desk, donkey, dart, deep, dance, duck, dip, dab, den, dad, dent, dock, dark, dust, etc.
The easiest way to practice this word is either by singing or by breaking it up into small parts. You will see, after a bit of practice you will be able to express something 'extraordinarily good' in a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious manner.
The longest word in the standard German dictionary is Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung – which is the word for motor vehicle liability insurance. But at 36 letters, it's rather puny. Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften, a touch longer at 39 letters, is the language's longest non-dictionary word.
Place with the Longest Single Word in the World
The place with the longest single word is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu. At 85 letters, this Māori name for a hill in New Zealand is often truncated to Taumata.
But it's also used in almost every English-speaking country. In England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, India, Canada (usually), and New Zealand, Z is pronounced as zed. It's derived from the Greek letter zeta.
The purpose of diminutives in Australian English is not well understood despite being a prominent part of Australian culture. Some research suggests that the use of diminutives serves to make interactions more informal, friendly and relaxed.
honorificabilitudinitatibus (uncountable) (chiefly humorous, obsolete, rare) The state of being able to achieve honours; honourableness.
Back in 2007, the popular Dutch TV show Lingo held a competition where viewers could submit their entries for the longest word in the Dutch language. The winner of said competition was (brace yourself) kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedencomitéleden at a whopping 60 letters!