The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Uvu is Uvularly, which is worth at least 14 points without any bonuses. The next best word starting with Uvu is uvulitis, which is worth 11 points. Other high score words starting with Uvu are uvulitises (13), uvulas (9), uvular (9), uvulars (10), and uvulae (9).
UZ is not a valid scrabble word.
TROOM is not a valid scrabble word.
eev is a valid English word.
uti is a valid English word.
Military. Zone of the Interior.
Yes, susu is a valid Scrabble word. More definitions: (n.)
eee is a valid English word.
ehs is a valid English word.
XEG is not a valid scrabble word.
nutella is a valid English word.
Yes, touk is a valid Scrabble word.
doodly is a valid English word.
Oz is a written abbreviation for ounce.
zam is a valid English word.
zat is a valid English word.
Though it's annoying that you cannot play such a clever word as IQ in Scrabble, there are plenty of uses for that pair of letters.
OIZ is not a valid scrabble word.
ehr is a valid English word.
ez is a valid English word.
eq is a valid English word.
hev is a valid English word.
bhat is a valid English word.
SAJ is not a valid scrabble word.
circe is a valid English word.