Walking is hands down the best form of exercise to do post any kind of surgery including a facelift. Walking in the initial phases of recovery will promote blood circulation, prevent blood clots and promote healing.
Beginning on day 2 or 3, light walking is recommended to help promote blood flow which speeds healing. Short, easy walks is the only form of exercise that should be undertaken. Many patients start to feel less discomfort over the first few weeks as bruising and swelling subsides.
In general, you can expect to make a full recovery from your procedure in about two to three weeks. A traditional face and neck lift addresses a larger area and a greater degree of skin laxity than other procedures, so recovery will take longer than more minimally invasive procedures.
AVOID BENDING OVER OR LIFTING heavy things for one week. Besides aggravating swelling, this may raise the blood pressure and start hemorrhage. AVOID HITTING OR BUMPING YOUR FACE, HEAD AND NECK. It is wise not to pick up small children and you should sleep alone for one week after your operation.
Generally speaking, most patients will need to sleep on their back with their upper body slightly elevated for about 2 – 3 weeks after facelift surgery. For patients who undergo a less extensive procedure, such as a mini facelift, it may be possible to return to side-sleeping sooner.
Plan on taking it easy for the first week. No strenuous activities, including sex and heavy housework, for at least 6 weeks. (Walking and mild stretching are fine.)
In general, the results from your facelift will look very good after about 1-month and you'll look your best at 6 months. A facelift can produce long-lasting results for years to come. And while everyone has a unique aging process, many of my patients don't feel they need more work for 12-14 years.
Avoid alcohol, smoking, nicotine, and caffeine, for these will dramatically slow down the healing process.
Once the swelling wanes, that tightness feeling should dissipate in time. Your skin will also start to slightly stretch as it adapts to the new shape. You can expect the face to feel tight for a few months following the facelift surgery. The tightness can last for about 2 – 3 months.
During the second week post-surgery, you will likely still have swelling and bruising around the affected areas. Some patients report strange sensations, such as tingling, numbness, or tightness. These sensations are commons occurrences following a facelift and are not cause for concern.
Most patients will be able to take showers again a week after their surgery. This will vary from patient to patient, however, so be sure to follow the instructions provided by your plastic surgeon. If you have drainage tubes in place, you may be asked to avoid showering until the drainage tubes have been removed.
Getting your body moving can make all the difference for your bloated face. "When we lay still and flat overnight, swelling accumulates and settles around the eyes.
You can typically expect the worst of the swelling and bruising around day 3-4, after which you will start to see incremental improvements over the course of several weeks.
Why? When the facelift is performed, the skin is tightened and it can flatten out the jowls because the skin is tighter. However, over time as the skin relaxes, the full fatty jowls will restretch out the skin and the jowls will reappear.
As with any diet, fruits and vegetables are recommended, especially dark leafy greens. Other good foods include red onions, broccoli, pineapples and apples, and capers to decrease swelling faster. These provide your body with essential vitamins to help you heal and fight infection. Omega-3 fats.
You'll likely feel the most discomfort your first day, so you should take pain medications to stay on top of it.
Massage after a facelift is a good way to reduce and soften your scar, but there are topical solutions such as creams and ointments that may help your scars fade as well.
Patients do complain of a feeling of fullness in the ears or pain in the ears for the first few days after surgery. This is caused by swelling, and improves fairly quickly. Most of my patients take prescription pain medication for the first couple of days before transitioning to Motrin or Tylenol.
The Ideal Sleeping Position
After your facelift procedure, you should lie on your back with your head elevated above your heart. If you are a side sleeper, this could be a big challenge. It would help if you started practicing sleeping on your back a few months before your surgery.
Avoid salt, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates after your surgery, as these foods can affect your immune system and make you more susceptible to swelling and inflammation. Consuming a high amount of these foods may result in a slower recovery period.
Most patients return to a normal diet after surgery, but it is important to eat foods that are soft and easy to chew.
Brush teeth gently with a soft toothbrush only. Avoid manipulation of upper lip and cheeks. You may have difficulty opening your mouth wide or turning your head. As healing takes place and swelling subsides this will improve.