Also known as the
In simple terms, yin is characterized as negative, passive, and feminine, among other things, whereas yang is seen as positive, active, and masculine, among other things.
Modern usage. Yin is the black side, and yang is the white side.
Yin is black. Yang is white. As Yin is black, it symbolizes shadow or darkness, things that are quieter, aloof, the moon, and all things with dark energy. The white of Yang on the other hand, is used to symbolize warmth, positive energy, active motion, and the sun.
The Yin, or the dark side, is associated with everything hard, negative, cold, wet, and feminine. The Yang, or the light side, is associated with things soft, positive, warm, dry, and masculine.
In the symbol, yin is represented by the color black and yang, white.
In traditional Chinese medicine, practiced for thousands of years, all things—both substances as well as processes—have yin and yang qualities. Yin is feminine, yang is masculine.
In terms of astrology, you are a Yang type if your birth chart is dominant in the fire and air signs. These are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. You are a Yin type if your chart is made up of mostly earth and water. These signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
two complementary principles of Chinese philosophy: Yin is negative, dark, and feminine, Yang positive, bright, and masculine. Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it.
What does yin symbolize? Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption. It is present in even numbers, in valleys and streams, and is represented by the tiger, the colour orange, and a broken line.
The yin-yang symbol symbolizes the intertwined nature of order and chaos. This Taoist symbol portrays order (white) and chaos (black) as two intertwined serpents.
Yin energy is more passive, feminine, and cool, while the masculine energy of yang is active and heated; yin represents the acceptance of what is, while yang represents the activity of doing and our attempts to change ourselves and the world around us.
Yin qualities are female energy, softness, being passive, heaviness, coolness, feeling, and surrender. Yang attributes are male energy, hardness, being assertive, buoyancy, heat, thinking, and attack. The yang partner offers yang energy in exchange for yin, and the yin partner receives yang and gives back yin energy.
The relativity of yin and yang in Chinese philosophy also applies to mood regulation. In one of the studies I conducted during my Masters in Beijing, I found that emotions tend to shift from one pole to another, i.e. yang emotions (joy, anger) shifting into yin emotions (sadness, fear) and vice versa.
A person who is shy and inward would be said to have a yin personality. An outgoing, assertive or aggressive individual would be said to be more yang.
The yang energy makes one feel warm and like to do things. The yin energy makes one feel cold and makes one feel like he or she would like to rest.
Yin: Yin is characterized as negative, passive, and feminine. It represents the energy of the Earth and moon. It is often described as receptive, dark, cool, soft, still, and contemplative. Yang: Yang is portrayed as positive, active, and masculine.
The best position for the Yang dominant relationship is if they join forces and support each other in their respective intensity. On the other extreme, you can get two Yins together too. That is interesting, because they are both full of ideas, but they keep waiting for the other to take the action.
For example most floral essential oils are yin such as roman chamomile, everlasting, lavender, rose, geranium, ylang ylang and so on. The spicy essential oils are yang, such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger.
Yin represents things that are cooler, quieter, more still and darker. It is characterized by the color black. Example: Daytime is characterized as more Yang, whereas night is characterized as more Yin.
Yin characteristics: passive, negative, darkness, earth, north slope, cloudy, water, softness, female, moisture, night-time, downward seeking, slowness, consuming, cold, odd numbers, and docile aspects of things.
The elements of nature: The yin-yang theory can be applied to the five elements of the natural world, also known as the "Wu Xing" or five movements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Like yin and yang, these elements exist in a constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
While yang and yin are not exclusively defined as “male” and “female,” and either sex can be considered yin or yang within a given context, in terms of their most general relation to one another, yin references the female and yang the male.
In Chinese philosophy Yin refers to the female energy and Yang refers to the male energy. This is the energy of conquest, power and achievement. Its not necessarily a bad energy, it brings discipline, structure and focus. It stems from the exercise of will power.
“You're the yin to my yang” means that you two are made for each other. Essentially, it's like saying you and this person are soulmates. Your personalities align well and you probably feel a deep connection with one another.