It's a good idea to include some high intensity training three to five days before race day to keep your body used to that level of intensity but give it enough time to recover before race day. Two days before your race you should include a full rest day and really use it to rest mentally as well as physically.
A run the day before your race helps improve blood flow to the muscles, which allows them to loosen up and delivers the nutrients and oxygen they will need for the intense running the next day. For shorter races like the 5k and 10k, being loose and flexible will help your stride feel more natural on race day.
Because 10ks are shorter and typically run at a faster pace, it's important to go into the race with your energy and hydration levels primed. We recommend taking an Energy Gel 5 minutes before the start, making sure to wash it down with a few big gulps of water.
Make sure you are hydrated the night before, using your urine colour as a guide. It should be straw-colored. Avoid alcohol, which can cause dehydration and deplete your muscle glycogen stores.
Two days before a race, his experienced runners would typically do a short, easy run, finishing up with four to six strides of roughly 20 seconds at race pace. He'll have inexperienced runners, or those who run three days a week or less, take a rest day two days before a race.
1/ First-timers: build mileage slowly
Runners who've finished a 5K can move up to a 10K, but doubling up on distance takes proper preparation. 'I recommend adding 10-15 per cent to your total weekly mileage, spread out over two or three runs, each week,' says running coach Pete Rea.
A beginner runner will likely take 12-15 minutes to finish a mile. Thus, it may take between 70 to 90 minutes for a new runner to finish a 10k.
On average, casual runners are usually able to finish a 10k race in 50 to 70 minutes. The median time it takes a person to run a 10k is between 56 and 64 minutes. Someone who is an avid runner in excellent health could expect to finish a 10k in about 43 to 50 minutes.
You need to have enough stored energy in your body to run a 10k race, for which you need to fuel your body the evening and morning before the event. As you get closer to starting the race, sip on a carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drink and water to maintain blood sugar & hydration levels.
Your current level of fitness and your athletic background are the main factors in determining whether you could run a 10K without training. If you are exercising regularly, pulling it off shouldn't be a problem.
Drinking before, during, and after training is just as important as drinking during the rest of the day. Aim for 16 ounces (2 cups) of water at about two hours before you run. Pair this with a snack or meal. About 15 minutes before a run, drink six to eight ounces of water.
A 60-minute 10k equates to 6:00/km pace or 9:39/mile to be precise!
If you are able to run the 10k under 40 minutes, you do not need to take on any carbs, but if you run between 45-60 minutes, you should take a swig of a sports drink if you feel like you need to.
It's a good idea to include some high intensity training three to five days before race day to keep your body used to that level of intensity but give it enough time to recover before race day. Two days before your race you should include a full rest day and really use it to rest mentally as well as physically.
"If a runner is adequately hydrated pre-race, a 10K run will generally not be a huge issue in terms of water." Coster suggests using water to find, "little strategies to feel good." Drink water to avoid cottonmouth, and use it to keep the head cool, especially in hotter temperatures.
While some runners want to rest as much as possible in the final days before a race, too much rest can be counter-productive. While you should follow a training plan that allows you to taper appropriately, running the day before your race is beneficial for most runners.
Race Day Warm-Up for a 10K. Shakeout Run — 10-15 minutes of easy running/walking is a great way to prepare your body for the race as your legs will be warm and ready to work as soon as you cross the starting line.
Keep fat content moderate to avoid intestinal discomfort during the race. Examples of pre-race fuel sources include cheese toast, peanut butter or almond butter toast (or a peanut butter sandwich), half or whole bagel topped with avocado, fresh fruit with Greek yogurt or a nutrition bar such as a KIND protein bar.
Racing a 10K requires a bit more recovery than you think. The general rule of thumb for this distance is to take one day of rest per mile raced. Therefore, after a 5K, most runners will require a recovery period of two to four days. After 10K, runners will generally take three to six days off high-intensity training.
On average a 10K run will burn around 600 calories (around 100 calories per mile), however, to find out a more accurate figure and to better plan your workouts to maximise your calorie burn, you will need to take a few things into account.
If you've never run a 10K and you're currently running less than 5 miles a week, expect to spend eight to 10 weeks preparing for your 10K. If you have more of a mileage base, you may be able to skip the first one to two weeks of training and move right into week two or three.
The 10K (6.2 miles) is a tough distance. Even though it's twice as long as the 5K, the 10K is only run about 15 to 20 seconds per mile slower than 5K race pace.
Yes. Some sort of stretching is very important prior to running or any exercise for both injury prevention, as well as to improve the quality of your workout.
You do not need to carb load the night before a 10k race.
Many runners like to top off their glycogen stores by feasting on carbs. However, you do not deplete your stores in a 10k race, that occurs in longer races only.
Cons of energy gels
Limited variety of textures. Depending on the amount of water, it can be watery or denser. Such a high concentration of carbohydrates can upset some stomachs, especially when they are not consumed regularly, are consumed without water or at the wrong time.