While it's easy to think that sick kids should just stay in and rest, there is usually no reason they can't reap the benefits of fresh air, even with a cough or fever. In fact, in most cases, spending time outside helps their ability to get well faster than any amount of couch time could.
Should I stay at home if I have a cold? You're contagious for the first few days of your cold, so it's best to stay home then. You need to be careful about coughing and sneezing around other people. Also, you will get better quicker if you get some rest.
Being exposed to cold won't worsen your symptoms but staying home in bed is the best way to avoid passing your illness on to others. And resting will help you to recover sooner.
Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a common cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion.
If you have a cold, you should follow these tips to help prevent spreading it to other people: Stay at home while you are sick and keep children out of school or daycare while they are sick. Avoid close contact with others, such as hugging, kissing, or shaking hands. Move away from people before coughing or sneezing.
Get Some Fresh Air
In fact, getting fresh air is good for you when you're feeling under the weather. When you're cooped up inside, you're sharing the same air with those around you. So every time someone coughs or sneezes inside, those infected droplets are still in the air.
If you have a high temperature or you do not feel well enough to do your normal activities, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until you feel better.
If you suspect you have the flu, do not exercise. Exercising with the flu (or lung infection) can cause myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart. Symptoms include chest pain, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and fatigue.
Symptoms below the neck like chest congestion or upset stomach typically are signs to avoid exercise. Never exercise when you have a fever, regardless of whether it's related to the flu, COVID-19 or another virus, said Dr. Felipe Lobelo, an associate professor at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health.
Cold and flu symptoms such as a blocked nose or cough usually subside after 7-10 days and the absence of these things is quite an obvious indication that you are on the mend.
It's not wise to partake in strenuous activities, however, a little time relaxing in the sun can actually benefit because the sun's ultraviolet rays can also help kill cold viruses.
When is the worst day of a cold? The worst day of the common cold is often day two or three. That's when symptoms peak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If your sore throat is painful, lozenges and over-the-counter pain relievers, like acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can make you feel better.
Strengthen immune system Playing outside allows your child an escape from indoor germs and bacteria. This will not only be good for the healthy bunch; the sick kids benefit from the fresh air as well. Just make sure they are properly bundled up and moving around to capture and generate warmth.
If symptoms get worse, rather than better, after 3-7 days, you may have acquired a bacterial infection. These symptoms can also be caused by a cold virus other than a rhinovirus.
As for whether warm moist air will help to improve a cough, Thompson says it can, especially if you have an ongoing respiratory condition.
As a minimum, people should stay away from work two to three days with a cold, and for the first week of influenza, recommends Dr Brooks. She says if you are sensing your body needs more rest, it's better to stay home.
Some symptoms, especially runny or stuffy nose and cough, can last for up to 10 to 14 days. Those symptoms should improve over time.
Although it's a common misconception, scientists disagree with the idea that sweating can help an illness leave your body more quickly. Making yourself work up a sweat won't hasten your recovery. Instead, it could exacerbate your symptoms and perhaps make you ill.
Eating fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C is a smart move. Vitamin C boosts your immune system, which is how your body naturally fights off infection. If you're feeling nauseous, following the BRAT diet – bananas, rice, apples and toast – may be your preference.
Night sweats can be related to infection. For example, if you've recently been ill with a minor respiratory infection, a slight fever can cause you to sweat more at night, as your body's normal day/night temperature reset may be exaggerated.
Rest : This is the time to recharge your body's immune system. Rest and sleep are the best ways to do that. Make sure you're sleeping between eight to 10 hours at night. This is also a great chance to take a break from strenuous exercise for two to three days.
The key to recovering from the flu as fast as possible is to get plenty of rest. By resting during the day, your body will be able to devote more resources to fighting the virus. Sleep is also important. Sleep gives your body the opportunity to focus on strengthening your immune system.