Crosshair betrayed the Bad Batch during the execution of Order 66, as seen in The Bad Batch Season 1 premiere.
After Order 66, Crosshair's free will was limited, prioritizing the Empire over his teammates, and challenging Hunter for his disobedience. Initially, the chip did not fully corrupt his mind, as he continued to stick with his group despite his frustrations with them for not obeying Order 66.
Nolan says it is not Mayday's place to determine what is valuable to the Empire, and orders him and Crosshair to retrieve the cargo alone while he stays at the base with the other two clones. They take the tunnel that Crosshair found and run into the raider that Crosshair shot earlier; he died in the tunnel.
Order 66 commanded all the clone troopers to kill their Jedi officers in the event that they had betrayed the Republic. Almost all the Jedi were exterminated because of this. Very few Jedi survived this such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Kanan Jarrus.
Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66. Wolffe: As with Captain Rex Wolffe removed his bio chip.
ARC-0001 (formally CT-0001) was created years ago in 32 BBY with the rest of the clones on the watery planet of Kamino, he is a fully trained arc (advanced recon commando) trooper, and he is the leader of 223rd Strike Force, his nickname is Commander Unos.
Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance. During the Battle of Utapau, Darth Sidious accidentally issued Order 67 when he meant to use Order 66. Just after the order was executed, Cody and his troops began dancing. However, Sidious browsed a manual and executed Order 66.
Koon was shot down in his Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor by clone pilot Jag, perishing as his fighter exploded and crashed.
By the end of The Rise of Skywalker, Rey had become the last known Jedi of the Skywalker Saga. With all that being said, Rey was not left as the last remaining Force-sensitive character.
Aayla Secura was among many Jedi who were betrayed by their clone troopers as a result of Order 66.
Going against the idea, Episode 14 ends with Crosshair once again strapped up to an IT-O Interrogator instead of being transformed into a Dark Trooper. Apart from an outcast clone appearing in Obi-Wan Kenobi, we don't see the Galactic Republic outcasts much beyond this point of the timeline.
He remained on a vacant landing platform as his brothers boarded The Marauder. As the Bad Batch escaped their home planet, Crosshair stayed behind, his fate left ambiguous in the season one finale. Season two showed that Crosshair is alive, well, and working for the empire.
Crosshair has been absent for most of The Bad Batch's second season, but he will finally return to the story thanks to the events in season 2, episode 11 “Metamorphosis.” Before this episode, other than Crosshair and Vice Admiral Rampart, no one in the Empire knew or cared about that Omega and Clone Force 99 were still ...
It's also possible that Crosshair's older appearance is simply a result of his own unique mutation. The Jango Fett clones were all modified to age quicker than regular humans to expedite their production.
Ahsoka then took Rex to a medical room to have the implant removed. It was a race against the clock as other clones tried to break into the room. But with some time and a little bit of help from the Force (we're assuming), the operation was a success and Rex was back to his regular self again.
Crosshair's dramatic defection was the product of cumulative trauma. Rampart killed Wilco just to cover up that Crosshair didn't successfully kill Clone Force 99. Crosshair killed a governor standing up for his people in front of Cody, one of the few "regs" he respected. That mission pushed Cody to defect.
Anakin ultimately fulfilled his role as the Chosen One and brought balance to the Force, fulfilling Qui-Gon Jinn's belief in the prophecy that foretold Anakin's destiny. Accepting his fate, Anakin joined his Jedi mentors in death by becoming one with the Force.
There are dozens of canon Jedi in the Star Wars universe. Opposing them stand the canonical servants of the Dark Side of the Force: The Sith. While many Sith Lords in Star Wars are mentioned, only six are detailed in canon: Bane, Plagueis, Sidious, Maul, Tyranus, and Vader.
Triclops Palpatine (son) Kendalina (daughter-in-law) Ken Palpatine (grandson) Mara Jade Skywalker (surrogate granddaughter)
Mission to Mathas. Padawan Windu was trained in the ways of the Force by Jedi Master Cyslin Myr. Following his early trials as a youngling, Windu attained the status of Padawan by becoming Jedi Master Cyslin Myr's apprentice.
Kit survived the Clone Wars, but met his end when the Jedi tried to take Supreme Chancellor Palpatine into custody. He wasn't prepared for the ferocity of Palpatine's assault on the Jedi, and a lightsaber slash ended his life.
Upon Anakin Skywalker's revelation that Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, Fisto, along with Mace Windu, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, attempted to arrest the Supreme Chancellor, but failed. In that final confrontation with the scheming Sith Lord, Fisto perished at the hands of Darth Sidious.
Affiliation. Company 77 was a company of former stormtroopers that mutinied and defected from the First Order after being ordered to fire on innocent civilians during the Battle of Ansett Island.
Through Order 66, the 501st was directed by Darth Sidious to execute the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano, turning their guns on Commander Rex as well when he was saved from Order 66.
Order 65 stated that if a majority of the Senate or the Security Council declared that the Supreme Chancellor—at that time Palpatine—was unfit for duty, the Chancellor was to be arrested or, if necessary, killed.