According to the pH level, gin, tequila, and non-grain vodkas are the lowest acidity options; choosing drinks made with these alcohols will be best on your stomach.
Light beers tend to have fewer calories and carbs than other types of alcoholic beverages, so they may be a better choice if you're trying to avoid exacerbating your acid reflux symptoms. Wine is also a good choice, as it is low in alcohol and sugar.
Alcohol consumption may increase symptoms of GERD and cause damage to the esophageal mucosa. In many cases, symptoms of GERD can be controlled after withdrawl of alcoholic beverages. So patients with symptomatic GERD are frequently recommended to avoid alcohol consumption or to consume moderate amount of alcohol.
Alcohol can cause heartburn by weakening the LES, making it easier for stomach acid to come back up into the esophagus. Heavy drinkers and alcoholics are especially at risk of frequent heartburn. Beer, for one, is very acidic and carbonated, two things that are very bad for heartburn.
Take antacids.
Antacids can be taken while drinking alcohol. Look for over-the-counter products like TUMS Chewy Bites to quickly relieve heartburn symptoms and acid indigestion.
But let's get specific: according to Healthline, moderate red wine consumption has been shown to somewhat improve helpful gut bacteria populations due to the fact that it contains polyphenols, a type of plant compound that gets broken down (or “eaten”) by gut bacteria.
Alcohol produces more stomach acid and makes the oesophagus more sensitive to this acid too – increasing the chances of getting heartburn. The lower oesophageal sphincter is relaxed by alcohol which allows acid from the stomach back up to the oesophagus.
Your doctor may recommend that you avoid foods and drinks that are known to make stomach acid reflux worse. These include fatty foods, alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated drinks (such as coffee, tea, soda), peppermint, spearmint, and spices.
First, water can help to dilute stomach acid and make it less irritating to the esophagus. This can reduce the burning sensation in the chest that is characteristic of heartburn. In addition, drinking water can help to flush stomach acid back down into the stomach, where it belongs.
Therefore, in the gas-phase, t-butanol is the most acidic alcohol, more acidic than isopropanol, followed by ethanol and methanol. In the gas phase, water is much less acidic than methanol, which is consistent with the difference in polarizibility between a proton and a methyl group.
Drinking water (or soft drinks) can also help, as long as it means you drink less alcohol. If you're going to have more than one alcoholic drink, why not alternate with water or a soft drink? Drinking less alcohol overall will reduce the risk of negative effects for your stomach.
Since vodka is a good, safe bet, you can spike pretty much anything with it. For example, spiked cranberry juice would be easy on your stomach, while providing you with some of those “social drinking” vibes. You can also spike other juices if you'd like – just avoid citrus juices.
Just like vegetables, a banana is a low-acid and high alkaline fruit that is also great for the digestive tract. If you battle with heartburn, bananas can help prevent stomach acid production while also helping things run smoothly through the digestive system.
Alcohol does not affect the way Gaviscon works, but drinking alcohol makes your stomach produce more acid than normal.
Common symptoms of esophagitis include painful and difficult swallowing, as well as chest pain when eating. Although some common causes of esophagitis include backed-up stomach acid and infection, its causes and the condition itself can be aggravated by alcohol.
According to the pH level, gin, tequila, and non-grain vodkas are the lowest acidity options; choosing drinks made with these alcohols will be best on your stomach. You'll be best served by a drink made with a light juice like apple, pear, or cranberry, but sometimes you just really want that kick of citrus.
"The stronger the alcohol, the more damaging," says Dr. Farah, noting that hard liquor, like vodka, can cause more health issues down the line. Dr. Morgan agrees, noting that hard alcoholic beverages with high sugar content are also less healthy due to their increased calorie content.