The upper and lower lips are referred to as the "Labium superius oris" and "Labium inferius oris", respectively. The juncture where the lips meet the surrounding skin of the mouth area is the
The chin crease (or 'mental crease') is the horizontal crease that forms between the bottom lip and chin. A deep crease means that there is less support for the lower lip and that the chin can appear to protrude further forward. Chin creases may be genetic but can also become more prominent with age.
Anatomically, the philtrum and its pillars are a part of the upper lip. The surface of the lip is comprised of four zones: hairy skin, vermilion border, vermilion and oral mucosa. The normal shape of the lips varies with age, and is influenced by ethnicity.
The technical term for overly-large lips is “macrocheilia”. When large lips are caused by dentofacial deformity, the condition is called pseudomacrochelia. A dentofacial deformity if an imbalance of the position, size, shape, or orientation of the bones that comprise the upper and lower jaws.
The ideal lip shape, however, seems to be a more personal preference. Lips come in a variety of shapes characterized by the upper lip to lower lip ratio. A 2017 study from JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery showed the most attractive ratio is 1:2 of upper and lower lip.
The focus group this time was made of 408 people from the internet. Based on what these online people said, we now know that the most attractive faces are those with a lower lip that's about twice as big as the upper lip; and an overall lip size of about 9.6 percent of the total area of the lower third of the face.
Full lips tend to be the most common shape which includes symmetrical volume on the top and bottom lip, while a defined cupid's bow or heart-shaped lips are rare and harder to come by.
Some believe that kissing with tongue is a natural evolutionary progression that aids in mate choice. Others, citing cultures where kissing with tongue is not only absent but looked down upon, believe making out is a specific learned behavior that's gained popularity due to media consumption and globalization.
A butterfly kiss is an affectionate gesture made by fluttering the eyelashes against someone's skin or eyelashes.
The lower lip lies against the mandibular incisors and partly against the incisal edges and labial surfaces of the maxillary incisors. The lip line (stomion) is at a level 1 to 3 mm cervically from the incisal edges of the maxillary central incisors.
The vermilion border (sometimes spelled vermillion border), also called margin or zone, is the normally sharp demarcation between the lip and the adjacent normal skin.
Labiomental groove – Area that separates the lower lip and the chin.
The Blessed Cupid's Bow
As well as having a voluptuous look, the most attractive lips often also feature a striking cupid's bow, which catches the eye due to its sharp points.
60% of people said they liked a lip that is symmetrical in size. A well-defined Cupid's bow was the most popular shape among respondents, while full lips were second. A pronounced cupid's bow was the most desired lip shape, but a heavier lower lip can detract from a heart-shaped lip.
Cupid. Cupid is the rarest of all lip forms. Cupid has a powerful, youthful appearance, and is very prominent in pre-adolescent females. Due to the natural growth process in a female's lips, the fullness of the lips fill in the middle first, then the sides.
While considerations of the lips are often centered on the vermilion zone, the upper lip extends from the nasolabial folds to the inferior margin of the nose, and the lower lip encompasses the region between the lateral commissures and the labiomental crease of the chin.
The trend involves lifting the lips with Steri-Strips and then providing a significant plumping effect using dermal filler to over-emphasise the Cupid's bow.
Full and red lips combined deliver the perfect pout to achieve male fixation but women who wear lipstick regardless of their lip type secure significantly greater levels of attraction than those who do not. "For centuries, women have been painting their lips red to enhance their appeal.
Rosebud lips are defined by a small “O” shape at the center of the mouth.
Some studies actually saw that big lips contribute to a great extent to our attractiveness level. Why? It's all about the symmetry of course. As you might be aware, the more symmetrical your face is, the more attractive you will appear to other people.