The electric signals from the theremin are amplified and sent to a loudspeaker. The sound of the instrument is often associated with eerie situations.
1. Accordion - Could there possibly be another #1? I declare accordions the geek instrument of choice. The history and complexity of the squeezebox is long enough that one bulleted mention doesn't do it justice.
The instruments that are the most awkward to hold yield the highest rate of pain: the violin and viola, for instance. "The musicians have to hold their left arms in a godawful position and function in a very intricate way with their hands at the same time.
Sound Effects
For example, distant creepy movements and eerie haunting winds that are played in the background are what build up the spooky atmosphere. Sound effects that mimic human fear, including pulsing heartbeats and slow and heavy breathing, also increases the level of scariness.
Start with a Minor key
It's probably the best-known ingredient for a spooky music track: being in a minor key. Choosing a minor key means focusing on minor chords and minor scales, both of which have a particular musical character to their sound.
The most popular instruments they sell are the saxophone, flute and clarinet, with the least popular being the tuba, French horn and the bassoon. We caught up with them to find out more about these endangered instruments.
The violin is also widely regarded as one of the most difficult instruments to learn. One of the reasons behind this is that there are no guides on the violin for finger placement.
Religious leaders in the 19th century called the fiddle “The Devil's Instrument,” since it was often played at weddings, dances and gatherings where food, drink and merriment ensued.
siren, noisemaking device producing a piercing sound of definite pitch. Used as a warning signal, it was invented in the late 18th century by the Scottish natural philosopher John Robison. The name was given it by the French engineer Charles Cagniard de La Tour, who devised an acoustical instrument of the type in 1819.
Notice also that many of the score sounds in Halloween came from synthesizers but were emulating traditional instruments such as piano sounds, harpsichord sounds, strings, brass, and bass. Carpenter says the scoring sessions took two weeks “because that's all the budget would allow.”
Whether it is the suspense-filled theme from Jaws or the screeching violins of Psycho, composers can instil fear with just a few simple chords. By maximising non-standard harmonies, as well as changing frequencies, music can create that feeling of terror by playing with the hardwired danger signals in your brain.
lyre, stringed musical instrument having a yoke, or two arms and a crossbar, projecting out from and level with the body. The strings run from a tailpiece on the bottom or front of the instrument to the crossbar.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the loudest (and largest) instrument in the world is the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ. This pipe organ was built by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company, and is housed in the Main Auditorium of the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
The hydraulophone is one of the rarest musical instruments in the world. This instrument is a sensory device that is primarily designed for low vision musicians. This tonal acoustic instrument is played by direct contact with water or other fluids. In this instrument, sound is generated and affected hydraulically.
Whatever the limit the ukulele reigns as the “world's happiest instrument ” laughs Hanner.