A good parent is someone who encourages the child to do something he/she enjoys doing; who instills in the child a strong sense of morality; who corrects the child when the child is doing something wrong; who teaches the importance of respect and diligence; and who imparts to the child a willingness to learn.
Parental love is characterized by warmth, affection, care, comfort, concern, nurture, support, acceptance or simply love that a child can feel from their parents1. The parents' love can be felt when they kiss, hug, praise, compliment, or say nice things to or about their children.
Some of the adjectives that we can use are – affable, amicable, caring, thoughtful, beautiful, classy, precious, impressive, irreplaceable, trustworthy, understanding, sweet, etc. These are just a few examples.
Good parenting aims to develop in children character traits like independence, self-direction, honesty, self-control, kindness, and cooperation. To that end, good parenting creates a foundation for a child's healthy, positive development. Good parenting also involves parents living their lives as role models.
I thank my parents today for their blessings and the constant support that they have been for me. There are not enough words to express how grateful I am to them for everything they have done for me. Today I am using this opportunity to thank my parents as we all have gathered here.
"Parent Appreciation Day" is an event that not only recognizes the contributions of families but shares information about low-cost and free services to help parents navigate through life. Parent Appreciation Day brings parents and. kids together for an all-day.
There are seven (7) words in the English language that are always adjectives. They are the articles a, an, and the and the possessives. They are the following pronouns: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, and theirs.