Red. This is the color of aggression and passion—great for a first date, not so great for the office. It also increases metabolism and raises blood pressure, which is why it's used for stop signs and fire engines. Red can be seen as a bit hostile in the work environment, so think twice before wearing it often.
The Color Red Conveys Danger and Warning
Thanks to its long wavelength, red is one of the most visible colors in the color spectrum (second only to yellow). Its ability to instantly grab people's attention is the reason why it's often used to warn people of impending danger.
Black is a serious color that evokes strong emotions; it is easy to overwhelm people with too much black. For most of the world this is the color associated with purity (wedding dresses); cleanliness (doctors in white coats) and the safety of bright light (things go bump in the night ... not the bright sunshine!).
The colors black and red were associated with anger in all countries. In addition, black and red were also associated with fear, except in Mexico.
The color of the United Nations is blue, which symbolizes non-aggression, universality and calm.
The colour psychology of black
As the strongest of all colours, black is often used only sparingly – such as for text – but it works quite well as a primary colour element (like for backgrounds).
But when it comes to interior design, the color pink has been particularly controversial. After some psychologists were able to show that certain shades of pink reduced aggression, it was famously used in prison cells to limit aggression in inmates.
Yellow was most often associated with a normal mood and grey with an anxious or depressed mood. Different shades of the same color had completely different positive or negative connotations.
Red: Passion, Love, Anger. Orange: Energy, Happiness, Vitality.
Red represents both love and anger throughout most of the world, according to a new study into how different cultures perceive the link between emotion and colour.
Red-green and yellow-blue are the so-called "forbidden colors." Composed of pairs of hues whose light frequencies automatically cancel each other out in the human eye, they're supposed to be impossible to see simultaneously.
The red colour is used in danger signal because it is more attractive and common.
Red was associated with jealousy in all nations.
Red is the color of power. It gets people's attention and holds it. It is the most popular color for marketing. The color red tends to increase the heart rate and create a sense of urgency.
According to the study, white cars are 12 percent less likely to get into an accident than black cars are, regardless of the time of day. Cream, yellow, and beige cars also ranked closely behind white; yellow actually surpassed white as the safest color in some studies as well.
Silver has represented the devious actions of Judas and gleaming armour that's now rusted. Kelly Grovier looks at the complex history of a shade that can bedazzle as well as tarnish. Silver is the shiftiest of colours.
The red quadrant is for unpleasant, high energy emotions, feelings like anxiety, rage, frustration, anger, and fear.
Fear. “Black” was the most frequently picked color, followed by “red” and then “gray” (Figure 1). “Black” had a high intensity, whereas “red” and “gray” had low intensities (Table 2).
Yet “red” was also the most frequent color listed for contempt, fear, and surprise; and “green” was also the most frequent color for disgust; “yellow” also for joy; and “blue” also for pride.
It is known that red and yellow make you feel uncomfortable. According to theory behind color, red is associated with violence and yellow is associated with insecurity.
Baker-Miller Pink, also known as P-618, Schauss pink, or Drunk-Tank Pink is a tone of pink which has been observed to temporarily reduce hostile, violent or aggressive behavior.
Studies reveal that red is the most attractive colour to both men and women but, curiously, the two genders are attracted to the same colour for different reasons.
She's known for fearlessly performing high-wire acts during her concerts, but there's one thing Pink is scared of.