If you could magically change one thing in your life, what would it be? What do you think of mindfulness? Do you think we'd be better off without social media? What do you think it means to be healthy?
A powerful question comes up as an unexpected surprise to the listener and stops them in their tracks. For example – “How are you doing?” is not a powerful question. Instead “What was your favorite moment thus far today?” is one such powerful question.
The seven essential questions are: (1) The Kickstart Question; (2) The AWE Question; (3) The Focus Question; (4) The Foundation Question; (5) The Lazy Question; (6) The Strategic Question; and (7) The Learning Question. I have adapted them for the purposes of conflict coaching.
They include Who, What, When Where, and Why. The 5 Ws are often mentioned in journalism (cf. news style), research, and police investigations. They constitute a formula for getting the complete story on a subject.
Golden questions are the smallest number of survey questions that can be used to reproduce market segments previously created from longer lists of questions.
21 Questions is a conversation-starting game that involves asking a series of questions to learn more about somebody. It can be played online or in real life and works with two people or a larger group.
A Quick Question is generally a brief but specific question regarding some writing or formatting convention. Typically, they are the sort of question one of our trained consultants can answer in 10 minutes or less.
There are four types of questions in English: general or yes/no questions, questions using wh-words, choice questions, and disjunctive or tag/tail questions.
It needs a really strong foundation. One of the best ways that teams can ensure they have a solid foundation is by answering the six basic questions of who, what, why, where, when, and how.
The 3-deep questioning strategy teaches reps to ask strategic, open-ended questions and then dig deeper by following-up on those answers with additional questions.