Nose piercing is a common cultural practice in India, and Ayurvedic texts believe that piercing the left nostril can help reduce menstrual symptoms. It's also thought to help with more specific conditions such as endometriosis.
Left nostril piercings are thought to protect against bad luck. Having your left nostril pierced is believed to ward off negativity and keep you feeling uplifted. Plus, if you love your new piercing, your self-image is sure to skyrocket, making you feel more secure and confident in yourself.
Many people come in with a particular idea of how they would like their nose piercing to look and which side they want pierced. There is no right or wrong side of the nose to get a piercing, it is up to you. A good idea is to pick your best 'selfie side' of your face whether that be the left or right side!
You'll have some pain when your nose is pierced. You may have some blood, swelling, tenderness, or bruising at first. It may be sore, tender, and red for up to 3 weeks. Pierced nostrils heal completely in about 2 to 4 months.
It signifies womanhood, elegance, and for some even a sense of rebellion. In Indian nose piercing is as much a part of tradition as bangles, a mangalsutra or a bindi.
Most North American Tribes see the ring as a rite of passage after a successful return from a soul-searching journey in the wilderness. The septum piercing was used to signify their success and show their rite of passage into manhood.
Wearing a nose ring is also considered as paying respect to Goddess Parvati so that the couple is blessed with prosperity and good luck.
Skip sticky foods, chewing gum, spicy, salty, acidic or hot foods as they can irritate the new piercing. To keep swelling down sip cold water, eat ice cream or other cold and frozen foods.
In general, tattoos tend to hurt more than piercings because the needles used for tattoos are larger and go deeper into the skin than the needles used for piercings.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the left side was believed to be the female side, and right the masculine side. Some people use this as a reason to choose their facial piercings on the left side for females or right side for males. However, in modern culture, there really isn't a male or female side.
The days of Monday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday are said to be the most favorable for this ritual. When it comes to Nakshatras; Mrigashira; Revati; Chitra; Anuradha; Hasta; Ashwini; Pushya; Abhijit; Shravan; Dhanishta; Punarvasu Nakshatra are seen to be advantageous for performing Karnavedha rituals.
Nose studs essentially go with every shape. If your nose is broad then you can go for a bigger nose stud that has a stone in it. If your nose is narrow then you can go for a smaller stud. A nose stud looks good on any type of attire, Indian or western.
Septum Piercing: Another high-ranking piercing in popularity, a septum piercing (also known as a bull ring), goes through the wall of cartilage that divide both the left and right nostrils. Double Nose Piercing: This style of piercing can either be two piercings on the same side of the nostril, or one on each side.
In the 1980s and 1990s, there was a saying recited by men that helped them decide which ear to pierce. “Left is right, right is wrong.” The meaning behind this phrase is that men who pierce their left ears are heterosexual, and men who pierce their right ears are homosexual.
Most of our clients tell us there is little, to no pain and or that it feels like a little pinch or flick. Common piercing areas, like ear lobes, are low pain because there is no cartilage present. Areas with tougher cartilage like the nose can be a little more painful, but it's over in seconds!
Your sweat is sterile to you, so shower like you normally do and clean the piercing afterwards with saline or sterile wound wash. Do not swim in rivers, lakes, hot tubs, pools, or oceans until your piercing is healed.
Frequent cleaning is the first step in nose piercing aftercare. A professional body piercer will recommend the following aftercare guidelines: cleaning the site at least twice a day using a saline solution. avoiding touching the piercing site except to clean it with recently washed hands.
Pain Scale: 5 on a scale of 1-10. The pain scale is 100% subjective and based on clients' feedback. Nostril piercings are said to be a bit more painful than lip or ear lobe piercings, but not as painful as septum piercings. Aftercare: Keep the area clean to avoid infection.
The most attractive spot for a piercing is the belly button. The least attractive is a tie between the nose and the nether regions.
Along with the nostrils and belly button, the earlobes are the safest and most common body part to be pierced. The flesh of the earlobe heals well when the area is cleaned regularly and the piercing is done at the proper angle.
Uncommon piercings may be more costly due to the fragile nature of the procedures. A few more uncommon piercings are eyeball piercings, dermal piercings (pictured to the left), corset piercings, some genital piercings, uvula piercings, bridge piercings, and anti-eyebrow piercings (the latter two are pictured above).
The most common side effects of a nose piercing are swelling, tenderness, and bleeding. These can last for several months. The side effects depend on your body's immune system and allergies. With a new nose piercing there's always a risk of infection.
The appropriate age for a nose piercing is dependent on the individual person. We would say that 14 is too young to even consider having this done. Aged 16 and over is a good time to start to talk about it if the subject has come up.