There are three kinds of hyperlexia: Hyperlexia 1 consists of bright, neurotypical children who simply read early. Watching a child read books out loud to his or her nursery school class is always quite startling. But eventually most other children learn to read as well so that gap disappears over time.
Hyperlexia 1 is not a disorder as such and really does not require nor warrant a diagnosis. The differences in intervention strategies, educational placements, outcomes and long-term implications of an ASD diagnosis warrants caution when applying to a child who reads early or speaks late.
Hyperlexia III occurs when children read early as above and, for a period of time, have “autistic-like” symptoms which, unlike children on the spectrum, fade over time and disappear.
They generally have a very good auditory and visual memory. While they can read well, they may have verbal communication skills that are below their age level. Reading comprehension can be difficult for some with hyperlexia. A person with hyperlexia is excellent at memorising and quick to learn rules and patterns.
Common signs of hyperlexia that you may have noticed within your child include significant difficulty comprehending and using verbal language, as well as difficulty processing language, difficulty socializing, strong memory, compulsiveness associated with letters and numbers, and difficulty answering the 5 W's (who, ...
If you notice your child being hyper fixated on letters or words, in an obsessive way, and they aren't functionally talking, it's important to pull back on teaching and exposing these things to your toddler and preschooler. A child with hyperlexia is more likely to get a diagnosis of autism, not less.
Causes of Hyperlexia
Approximately 84% of children with hyperlexia have autism and approximately 1 in 54 children have an autism spectrum disorder. Hyperlexia has subtypes, only some of which overlap with autism.
The most common co-occurring condition associated with hyperlexia is autism. This is why there is such a strong association with children being mistakenly labelled or diagnosed as autistic with Type 3 Hyperlexia. Other conditions that can be associated with hyperlexia is ADHD/ADD, Sensory Processing Disorder, 22q11.
The main treatment for Hyperlexia will be delivered by a speech and language therapist who will focus on developing and supporting communication and social interaction skills. Therapy will use the individual's advance reading and visual abilities as a tool for therapy and language learning.
Highlights. Hyperlexia is characterised by strong decoding skills and delayed comprehension. Hyperlexia is strongly associated with autism (84% of cases are on the spectrum).
Explicitly teach wh- questions and practise how to answer them (for example memorising that an answer to a 'why' question can begin with the word 'because…'). Blank's levels of questioning are an effective way to support development of these skills.
Hyperlexia is a syndrome observed in people who demonstrate the following cluster of characteristics: A precocious, self-taught ability to read words which appear before age 5, and/or an intense fascination with letters, and numbers. logos, maps or visual patterns.
Thus, hyperlexia can be a splinter skill in savant syndrome in a child with an underlying autism spectrum disorder, but it is not necessarily so and the differentiation of autism spectrum disorder from “autistic-like” behaviors is a critical one in terms of intervention, treatment and outcome.
Speech and language therapy.
Speech and language therapy can help improve the language and social skills of children with hyperlexia. Their advanced reading abilities are used to help develop and improve their weaknesses, which may include social interaction and understanding.
What is hyperlexia? Hyperlexia is a term that describes a child's precocious ability to read (far above what would be expected at their age or developmental level) within the context of another developmental disorder.
Hyperlexic reading is therefore associated with hyperactivation of the left superior temporal cortex, much in the same way as developmental dyslexia is associated with hypoactivation of this area.
Abstract. Objective: Hyperlexic-like reading (defined as word decoding much better than comprehension) has been associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
If your child is reading at a remarkably young age, it does not automatically mean that they are hyperlexic or that they are on the autism spectrum. Sometimes gifted children will begin to read at a very young age, too. The key is to recognize your child's early reading ability and talk to a professional about it.
Hyperlexia is a condition where preschool children display an intense early interest in letters in a way that is very advanced for their age. They can decode words accurately, but without understanding their meaning.
The main diagnosis of Hyperlexia will be given by a paediatrician. When making a diagnosis of Hyperlexia the following will be carried out: A detailed assessment in areas of their development including speech, language, physical and psychological assessments. A detailed case history of the child's development.
Hypernumeracy is known as 'hyperlexia but with numbers instead of letters' and is an advanced or self-taught ability to understand math and numbers in young children. It presents with an intense fascination with numbers, much like hyperlexia does with letters.
Typically, children with hyperlexia can read at the age of three without any formal teaching. Some children display an intense fascination with letters and numbers, preferring to play with ABCs instead of other toys.