Moana. This animation film about an adventurous teenager has two characters with disabilities. Hei Hei the rooster has dyspraxia, a common disorder that affects movement and co-ordination and a learning disability.
Anna's parents rush her to the sacred realm, where discussions with the trolls reveal that Elsa was born with her powers/ depigmentation and deafness, rather than them being due to illness or accident. Grand Pabbie troll heals Anna but removes her memories of Elsa's magic.
There are a few characters who have disabilities like Dory (short term memory loss in Finding Nemo/Finding Dory), Quasimodo (titular hunchback in Hunchback of Notre Dame), or Dopey (mutism, dwarfism in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves).
Character information
Renee is a thirteen-year-old girl who is nonverbally autistic. She appears in the Pixar SparkShorts film, Loop. Renne enjoys playing ringtones on her phone and touching interesting textures (like reeds). She communicates by vocalizing, gesturing, and showing people things on her phone.
Although Elsa is not the only character with disability in the Disney canon, she is the first princess 1 to be designed with disability in mind, and one of only two human characters with visible disability to make the cut at all since Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996).
Esmeralda was originally an official member of the Disney Princess franchise when it first launched, and a Princess doll was made for her in 2004. She was removed from the lineup around 2005.
Pocahontas - Pocahontas
The sad truth is poor Pochaontas is a schizophrenic. Wandering off from her tribe, she spends her days playing out her delusions in the wilderness of rural Virginia and the shock announcement that she is to be married to one of her father's warriors only increased the intensity of them.
Bruno has a few Autistic traits. In the movie, he developed the form of ritual based off of a combination of superstition and possibly sensory stimming. He would “knock knock knock on wood” all around him which is a way of asking for protection in many cultures from certain spirits.
“Pinning an autism diagnosis on a Disney heroine may seem audacious, but Elsa displays a lot of traits reminiscent of those that clinicians and researchers have highlighted among girls with autism. As a model, Elsa can provide us with some clues about how autism is expressed in girls. . . ” Read more here!
Instead, Mirabel, like many autistic people, has long since accepted who she is and the qualities that make her different from her family.
14 Anna: ADHD
Anna is the youngest of the sisters, and unlike her sibling, she does not possess ice magic and is far more outgoing and lovable. But, she also likely deals with having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Finding Dory, Pixar's most recent box office success, stars many characters with disabilities. Dory, the titular character, has short-term memory loss. Nemo has physical disabilities with his little fin, and Hank is an octopus that is missing a tentacle.
Disability becomes part of Nemo's personal history and social identity, visually marking him as a survivor. "Finding Nemo" proves to be an unconventional, transgressive representation of disability.
Canonically, she is not romantically interested in anybody. And lest you wonder if that description means Elsa is asexual or aromantic, neither of those qualities is canon either. Canonically, she's nothing when it comes to her sexuality. Which also means she isn't (yet) canonically straight.
While on the other hand, Anna is struggling with overcoming her Depression. Anna had lost her parents, and towards the middle of the film, she loses Elsa.
Disney Princess Syndrome. Often seen as a comorbidity of Peter Pan Syndrome, the Disney Princess Syndrome often appears as the inability to help oneself when presented with a new task or when faced with an unexpected problem.
Trying to bottle up her emotions, Elsa has a PTSD flashback, and her emotional state, combined with the trauma, causes her to want to shut out what's hurting her – in this case, remembering things and Anna.
Disability Access Service pass (DAS)
All three major amusement parks (Walt Disney World, SeaWorld and Universal Orlando) provide assistance passes for guests with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Sensory issues with food: Kids on the autism spectrum often express a strong preference for foods that feel a certain way in their mouths. Some prefer soft or creamy foods like yogurt, soup or ice cream; others need the stimulation that crunchy foods like Cheetos or — if a parent is lucky, carrots — provide.
Lurie said that while on the outside, Luisa presents herself as together, she silently worries and hides her true feelings and her desire to rest. Her depression becomes more apparent when she cannot perform the way she did before once her powers begin to lessen.
Bruno also performed several other well-known behaviors meant to prevent bad luck, including throwing salt over his shoulder, avoiding stepping on cracks, and both holding his breath and crossing his fingers while passing through doorways.
The character appears to symbolize the stigma around mental health issues: While he is never labeled with a specific diagnosis in the film, some viewers have suggested that he has OCD or another type of neurodivergent brain function.
In the movie The Little Mermaid (Clements & Musker, 1989), Ariel displays symptoms of disposophobia, which is defined as the fear of getting rid of things.
Snow White can be classified as having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Princess meets all eight of the criteria listed in the DSM-V to diagnose PTSD (See Appendix A). First, she directly experiences a traumatic event relating to a near death experience (Criterion A1).
Demi Lovato is a 19-year-old Disney star best known for her role in the made-for-television movie Camp Rock. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2011 while receiving inpatient treatment at Timberline Knolls in Illinois.