The clinical signs of more advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and very bad breath. Occasionally, ulcers will be found in the mouth.
Stages of Renal Failure in Dogs
It's best if some treatments are started when the pet is at a specific stage of chronic kidney disease. Median survival time for dogs in Stage 1 is more than 400 days, while Stage 2 ranged from 200 to 400 days and Stage 3 ranged from 110 to 200 days.
Stage 1 Kidney Disease
In stage one, there is a small amount to no protein in the urine, and the pup typically maintains normal blood pressure. However, diagnostic tests may indicate abnormalities in the urine concentration or irregular kidney palpation. Most dogs do not present with symptoms during this stage.
Some of the earliest signs of kidney disease in dogs may include subtle weight loss, urinating/peeing more often and drinking a lot more water. Therefore, if you notice your dog is peeing on the floor or asking to go out more, or if your dog is always thirsty, it's time to visit your veterinarian.
If your dog has kidney issues, they may feel generally unwell, which can manifest itself in various ways. Some of the most common problems are nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, frequent whining and whimpering, and any of the following symptoms: Excessive sleepiness.
How is Kidney Disease Typically Diagnosed? Following a physical examination of your pet, a veterinarian will run blood tests and a urinalysis. If there is kidney disease, a blood chemistry panel will typically show increased levels of substances called blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine.
For dogs with renal health issues, feed them a diet of high-quality protein with low phosphorus and sodium, and added omega-3 fatty acids, such as a mix of good quality meat, veggies like bell peppers, and either a supplement of omega-3's or fish, flax, sardines, or anchovies.
It is estimated that more than half of pets suffering from acute kidney failure either die from the condition or are euthanized to prevent suffering. That said, if caught early and treated aggressively some dogs are able to recover from acute kidney failure.
If your pet's pee is bright or dark yellow, it is most likely due to dehydration or other issues with the kidneys. It could be caused by a lack of adequate drinking water or because of other medical conditions. If you notice that your pet's urine is bright or dark yellow, consult your veterinarian immediately.
Is Kidney Failure in Dogs Painful? Yes, kidney failure in dogs can be painful. Kidney failure in dogs can be painful because the kidneys are responsible for filtering body waste and toxins. When they fail, these toxins build up in the bloodstream and can cause discomfort and pain.
After approximately 2/3 of the kidney tissue is destroyed, there is a rapid rise in waste products in the bloodstream and an apparent sudden onset of severe disease. The clinical signs of more advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and very bad breath.
Ordinary table foods like grapes and raisins; certain commercial jerky treat products; common OTC medications like aspirin or other nonsteroidals (NSAIDs); or prescribed medications can all cause kidney disease. Venoms, pesticides and heavy metals are less common toxins.
It is estimated that more than half of pets suffering from acute kidney failure either die from the condition or are euthanized to prevent suffering. That said, if caught early and treated aggressively some dogs are able to recover from acute kidney failure.
And as kidney disease progresses, you may notice the following symptoms. Nausea and vomiting, muscle cramps, loss of appetite, swelling via feet and ankles, dry, itchy skin, shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, urinating either too much or too little.
In addition to feeding a lower protein diet, you also need to avoid giving high protein treats such as meat, jerky treats, cheese, rawhides, pig ears, etc. High salt (sodium) diets may increase blood pressure and may worsen kidney damage, so diets designed for pets with kidney disease are low in sodium.
Healthy dogs can safely enjoy some table scraps like lean meats, bland rice or pasta, and some fruits and vegetables.
Bad breath - Breath that smells like an outhouse can be seen in the advanced stages of renal failure in dogs. This is a result of the toxins that build up in the blood.
Kidney problems in dogs can be acute or chronic. Acute kidney failure happens quickly over several days, while chronic kidney failure happens slowly over time. Acute kidney problems are most frequently attributed to your dog ingesting a toxin. It may be a chemical like antifreeze, household cleaners, or bad food.
Breed: Some dog breeds, including English Cocker spaniels, bull terriers and German shepherds, are more likely to develop particular types of kidney disease. Learn more about a very special German shepherd named Buddy that was diagnosed with kidney failure.
Poor Diet: a diet made up of dry kibble does not provide enough moisture and nutrition to nourish a dog's kidneys. Overtime, the lack of moisture can cause chronic kidney issues. High protein diets that may overwork the kidneys, especially as our pets' age.
Are eggs good for dogs with kidney disease? Eggs are a great source of protein for dogs, but make sure they are cooked. For dogs with kidney failure, this protein should be fed in moderation and with care as the yolk has high amounts of phosphorus.
The end stages of kidney disease occur when the kidneys no longer work, and the body is not responding to treatment. Your dog may become very lethargic, or sleepy, and have a hard time rising.