“Mama” is one of the most common last words that people speak. Some people's last utterances are curse words. Others may mumble a word that holds significance to them – but it may mean nothing to their families – for their final words.
April 18, 1955—Albert Einstein dies soon after a blood vessel bursts near his heart. When asked if he wanted to undergo surgery, Einstein refused, saying, "I want to go when I want to go. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go.
Karl Marx's famous last words were, quite poetically, “Last words are for fools who haven't said enough.” But some of science's greats have had some great parting words as they slipped off this mortal coil.
Visions and Hallucinations
Visual or auditory hallucinations are often part of the dying experience. The appearance of family members or loved ones who have died is common. These visions are considered normal. The dying may turn their focus to “another world” and talk to people or see things that others do not see.
Most people who are dying feel tired. They may want to sleep more often, or for longer periods. They may want to talk less, although some may want to talk more. They may want to eat less or eat different foods since their stomach and digestive system are slowing down.
Feeling very sad and crying often is a very normal part of the dying process. However, feeling down or depressed most of the time is not normal. Thinking a lot about death or suicide and feeling guilty or worthless are often signs of depression. Depression is common in people who are dying and should be treated.
Churchill's Last Words: 'I Am Bored With It All' - The New York Times.
Karl Marx used the term 'proletariat' to describe the working class. He was not the first to do so: the term originated in ancient Rome.
His performance beats those of physicists Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, who were both estimated to have IQs around 160.
This phrase was initially used to refer to the actual dying words of prominent people, before it evolved to be used as a rejoinder to show the possible recklessness of assertions. The very first record of its use was a statement by U.S Civil War General John Sedgwick.
Einstein, a certified genius, was also a late talker (according to some biographers). He didn't speak full sentences until he was 5 years old. Einstein's speech delay clearly wasn't an impediment to his intellectual prowess and awe-inspiring accomplishments.
On the morning of his death, Elvis woke and went to the bathroom, telling Ginger 'I'm going to the bathroom to read'. They would be the last words he would ever speak.
Her rumoured last words were: “All my possessions for one moment of time.” Historians believe this statement is apocryphal. The Queen's Lady of the Bedchamber refused to allow Elizabeth's body to be subject to a post-mortem. Some argue that this was a way to safeguard the Queen's reputation as a virgin.
In this typically “shorter” short-form game, players obtain a random line of dialogue, slogan or platitude. A timed scene follows – often just a minute – which must culminate with a character dying after uttering this line of dialogue as their famous last words (and as the closing words of the scene as a whole.)
“Mama” is one of the most common last words that people speak. Some people's last utterances are curse words. Others may mumble a word that holds significance to them – but it may mean nothing to their families – for their final words.
Reportedly, Frank Sinatra's last words ever were to his wife. He simply told her, “I'm losing.”
The phrase
In his 'finest hour' speech, on 16 June 1940, Churchill described the collapse of France following the German invasion as "the darkest hour in French history"; he had used similar terms when meeting with members of the Supreme War Council a week earlier.
The last alphabetic entry in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) was zythum, a kind of malt beer brewed in ancient Egypt.
Read all. The Seven Last Words sounds out the experiential states and rituals particular to humanity, based on seven themes expressed in an oratorio: forgiveness, hope, relation, abandonment, distress, triumph, and life after the death.
Zyzzyva has achieved notoriety for being the last word in several English-language dictionaries. Casey is commonly credited with naming the genus, although the etymology of the word is unclear. One theory is that the word was inspired by Zyzza, a former genus of leafhoppers.
Go Ahead and Cry
When a loved one cries in front of a dying person, that person then gains the permission and confidence to also be candid about emotions. It opens a pathway to a conversation that could be once in a lifetime. Additionally, the loved one who's dying knows others are sad.
Research suggests that death anxiety is common, though people tend not to report their feelings. One study shows that between 3% and 10% of people feel they're more nervous than others about the thought of dying.
The most common include a sense of helplessness and abandonment, anger and sorrow. Emotional pain is a stimulus prompting a nurse to limit contact with the dying person and with his/her relatives.