Toxic stress response can occur when a child experiences strong, frequent, and/or prolonged adversity—such as physical or emotional abuse, chronic neglect, caregiver substance abuse or mental illness, exposure to violence, and/or the accumulated burdens of family economic hardship—without adequate adult support.
Toxic stress has the potential to change your child's brain chemistry, brain anatomy and even gene expression. Toxic stress weakens the architecture of the developing brain, which can lead to lifelong problems in learning, behavior, and physical and mental health.
Research in Alberta shows that the most common triggers of toxic stress in children are: Parental mental illness. Parental substance abuse. Parental abandonment or divorce.
For young children, tensions at home such as domestic abuse, separation of parents or the death of a loved one are common causes of stress. School is another common reason – making new friends or taking exams can make children feel overwhelmed.
Children can heal from the effects of toxic stress if they develop healthy relationships with caring, reliable, safe, compassionate adults who guide them through the healing process. Adults can help children heal from their traumatic experiences by helping children build resilience – the ability to overcome adversity.
Symptoms of trauma and toxic stress
Changes in physical health: Fatigue, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, profuse sweating, thirst, headaches, visual difficulties, clenching your jaw, and/or aches and pains. Seek immediate medical care if you experience chest pain or difficulty breathing.
Physical pain, such as headaches and gastrointestinal distress — prolonged stress has been linked to chronic migraine and/or ulcers. Sleep disturbances and nightmares — can lead to problems with attention and focus as well as anxiety. Social withdrawal. Impulsive and risky behavior.
Emotional distress can manifest itself as physical symptoms. This can take the form of stomach aches, nausea or headaches. Where there is no underlying health condition that might cause such symptoms, regular repetition could be an indicator that a child is experiencing some kind of emotional distress.
Toxic family environments often involve some degree of manipulation between two or more members of the family. Manipulation, when it comes down to it, is a form of emotional abuse. Continuous exposure to emotional abuse can make one fearful; in this case, fear is manifesting itself in the form of avoidance behavior.
The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child proposed three distinct forms of stress responses in young children: Positive, tolerable, and toxic. 1, 2 Let's start with the latter because it is considered as the most dangerous or harmful type of stress response.
Toxic parents can have negative effects on children throughout their lifespan, including mental health disorders, depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol use, etc. Young children often show signs early on that their relationship with their parents is affecting their mental and physical health.
How to respond to it. There's no right or wrong way to deal with toxic family members. Some people choose to cut off contact entirely. Others try to work with the situation by limiting contact with toxic family members and taking steps to protect their emotional well-being when they do see their family.
Children who are stressed may have trouble falling or staying asleep, or start having nightmares. Children who are stressed may want to spend more time alone and not interact with friends or family. Significant changes in your children's school performance can be a sign of stress.
Emotional or psychological child abuse is a pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development or sense of self-worth. This may include constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance.
A 2014 study in The Journal of Child Development demonstrated that yelling produces results similar to physical punishment in children: increased levels of anxiety, stress and depression along with an increase in behavioral problems.