Type Nine in Brief
They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.
Type 9: The Peaceful Mediator is thoughtful, reassuring, receptive, accommodating, resigned. Core Fear: Being in conflict, tension, or discord; feeling shut out and overlooked; losing connection with others. Core Desire: Having inner stability and peace of mind.
Type Nine – The Fear of Loss or Fragmentation
They aim to be optimistic and see the best in others and the world around them. They hate conflict and want everything to go smoothly, striving to create peaceful environments. On the downside, nines can become complacent, stubborn, and conflict-avoidant.
Unhealthy Type 9s
Their wish for inner peace drives unhealthy Nines to avoid not just conflict, but everything: life, the world, even themselves. They lose an understanding of how angry they truly are. Because they don't recognize their anger, they don't address it, but instead withdraw and stubbornly resist any help.
The basic fear of the Type 9 is that they may lose or be separated from others. They may attempt to prevent this by remaining peaceful and avoiding conflict, potentially adapting to others preferences, rather than stating their own.
In general, 8s, 9s, and 1s — the body type — tend to get angry when they see injustice, and when they feel like people are trying to control them, but this is expressed in different ways.
For Type 9s, a strong nervous system means conflict will feel less anxiety-provoking. As part of the Body/Instinctive triad in the Enneagram, Type 9s have a sensitive issue around anger.
Many Nines are introverts, in truth. They need to be, to keep themselves insulated from a world where chaos is ever present. Even when they're social and active, a part of them are kept in reserve. They are likeable, steady, tolerant and optimistic, but don't ask a Nine about their real feelings.
Weaknesses of the Enneagram 9
Having difficulties confronting other people. The tendency to minimize their feelings to avoid conflict. Avoidance behaviours when they find situations upsetting. Find themselves being passive-aggressive rather than facing their problems head-on.
Enneagram Type 9 - The Peacemaker
You're gentle and mellow and your superpowers rest on your ability to diffuse conflict and help everyone get along. Stability – Though it might seem like a boring superpower, your biggest strength is creating stability in every environment you're placed in, no matter how rocky.
The Gut Triad (Types 8, 9, & 1)
The Gut Triad copes with their dominant emotion of anger or rage in the way they respond to gut feelings or physical sensations. 8s express their anger outwardly, 9s deny and likely feel threatened by these emotions, and 1s repress and try to control it.
Generally, type nines are kind, gentle, reassuring, supportive, loyal, and nonjudgmental in relationships. Type nines are great at listening to others, providing objectivity, excelling at unbiased mediation, and having a keen ability to appreciate the positive aspects of both sides.
Type Nines commonly pair well with Ones, Twos.
Reassuring and harmonious, Nines are supportive to a fault, their conflict-averse nature may cause them to minimize and simplify problems.
In Stress: Nines take on qualities of Sixes, becoming overcommitted, worried, rigid, and anxious.
To help your Enneagram Type Nine feel like they matter to you, give them your full attention when you are together. Ask them what they want and don't rush them for an answer. Find activities you both enjoy and can do together.
moving ahead to type 6
Not surprisingly, Nines can find the anxiety and sense of threat they might feel as they move to Six to be uncomfortable. But these feelings (experienced consciously and managed mindfully) can help move Nines out of inertia and stimulate them to action in support of themselves.
The enneagram nine's deadly sin is sloth. Similar to the animal, nines struggle to get moving and have trouble doing things in a timely manner, but it is deeper than just being slow to do things; it is a paralyzing fear of discord that holds nine's back from reaching their potential and dreaming big.
Naturally drawn to Venus themes of beauty and harmony, Enneagram Type 9 people are a serene and soothing presence to be around! They may have an affinity for art, music, fashion and color, a trait shared by both Taurus and Libra zodiac signs.
What drives a Type 9 to think, feel, and behave in particular ways? Core Fear: Being in conflict, tension, or discord; feeling shut out and overlooked; losing connection with others.
Part of the problem stems from the fact that individuals of both types can be highly intelligent, although as a group Fives are probably the most intelligent of the nine personality types. (When Nines are highly intelligent, they can be as brilliant as Fives, although their intellectual prowess is compartmentalized.
An Enneagram Type 9 thrives in careers where there is a promise of stability and consistency. Peacemakers like to be in positions where they are able to help others, which is why they are most successful in careers where they are able to accomplish this.
Allow the Peacemaker in your life plenty of time and space to process their anxiety about conflict. Avoid making them feel guilty or embarrassed for how conflict affects them and often remind them that you are there to support them without criticism or judgment.
At this level, the Nine's anger shows up in passive-aggressive reactions like agreeing to do something and then not doing it or failing to take care of their families or people who depend on them. They often use the “silent treatment” to get back at people who are bothering them or disrupting their inner peace.
Type Fives don't pair as well with Nines
It can be challenging for the two types to build a close relationship with their different focuses. Both types tend to go into their imaginary worlds to stay safe, making it difficult for them to connect.