What are two characteristics of children suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome?

Children with fetal alcohol syndrome have facial features such as small eyes, a thin upper lip, and a smooth philtrum (the groove between nose and upper lip). They also can have: Poor growth. Newborns may have low birth weights and small heads.

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What are the characteristics of a child with fetal alcohol syndrome?

People with FAS have central nervous system (CNS) problems, minor facial features, and growth problems. People with FAS can have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision, or hearing. They might have a mix of these problems.

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What are the typical characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome quizlet?

It is characterized by a cluster of irreversible birth defects including abnormalities in physical, mental, and behavior development (such as fetal growth retardation; mental retardation; attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders) with varied degree of severity in an individual.

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What are the four criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome?

The four broad areas of clinical features that constitute the diagnosis of FAS have remained essentially the same since first described in 1973: selected facial malformations, growth retardation, Central Nervous System (CNS) abnormalities, and maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

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What best describes the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome quizlet?

Fetal alcohol syndrome is physical and mental damage seen in children exposed to consumption of alcohol by their mothers during pregnancy. b. Some symptoms are irritability and over sensitivity. Motor problems, mental retardation, learning disabilities, and seizures.

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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Which statement describes children with fetal alcohol syndrome quizlet?

Children with fetal alcohol syndrome may suffer from behavioral difficulties, such as hyperactivity, impulse control, and control over language outbursts. Children may also have difficulty with memory, language, and communication skills.

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Which of the following statements is true of the effects of alcohol on fetal development quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of the effects of alcohol on fetal development? Alcohol limits oxygen delivery to the fetus.

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What are the three types of fetal alcohol syndrome?

Depending on the features identified, the medical disorders labeled as FASD include: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), partial FAS (pFAS), alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND), alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), and neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE).

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What are the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome in adults?

Mental development issues, such as ADD, depression, and certain psychotic disorders. Problems in school due to difficulty getting along with others, and learning difficulties. Legal issues due to problems controlling anger, and understanding social and communicative cues. Drug and alcohol abuse.

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How do you assess for fetal alcohol syndrome?

These features are required for a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:
  1. Smooth philtrum (the ridge under the nose and above the lip)
  2. A thin upper lip (referred to as a thin vermillion border)
  3. Reduced palpebral fissure length (the distance from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye)

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What are the risks of fetal alcohol syndrome?

The more alcohol a woman drinks the higher the risk is for the developing fetus to have alcohol-related brain and organ damage. Binge drinking (having four or more drinks at one time) is the worse pattern of drinking.

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What is alcohol related fetal syndrome?

FASD can happen when alcohol in the mother's blood passes to her baby through the placenta. Your baby cannot process alcohol well, which means it can stay in their body for a long time. Alcohol can damage their brain and body and stop them from developing normally in the womb.

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How does alcohol affect child development?

It can cause a range of developmental, cognitive, and behavioral problems, which can appear at any time during childhood and last a lifetime. The most profound effects of prenatal alcohol exposure are brain damage and the resulting impairments in behavioral and cognitive functioning.

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When do signs of fetal alcohol syndrome appear?

In the most severely affected children, FAS can be diagnosed at birth, however, the characteristic physical features are most pronounced between eight months and eight years of age. 3 Facial abnormalities observed in affected children are the key cluster of physical features of FAS.

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Can a child have fetal alcohol syndrome?

Children can be diagnosed with partial forms of fetal alcohol syndrome if they show the abnormal features even when there is no clear proof that their mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Some children with partial fetal alcohol syndromes show only some of the features.

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How does fetal alcohol syndrome affect emotional development?

Learn more about FASD

“Also, kids with FASD often experience more negative emotions than other kids their age. They may also feel bad about themselves, especially if they don't get supportive responses from adults in how to cope with strong emotions.”

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What are the key terms for fetal alcohol syndrome?

Common Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Definitions
  • Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE) ...
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) ...
  • Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE) ...
  • Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND) ...
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (PFAS)

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What is the difference between FAS and FASD?

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) result from prenatal exposure to alcohol and include fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial fetal alcohol syndrome (PFAS), alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, and alcohol-related birth defects. FAS is the most severe form of FASD.

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What are three consequences of maternal alcohol intake on fetal development?

Alcohol use during pregnancy can cause birth defects and developmental disabilities collectively known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). It can also cause other pregnancy problems, such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and prematurity.

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What is fetal alcohol syndrome considered to be the most common cause of in the US?

FASD is the most common cause of brain damage before birth (called congenital neurological deficits) and is related to alcohol intake by the mother during pregnancy.

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What is fetal alcohol syndrome quizlet?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Definition. growth, mental and physical impairments that may occur in a baby when a women consumes alcohol during pregnancy. especially when it occurs in the first trimester.

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What is the most serious form of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder FASD )?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), the most serious form of FASD, is a developmental disorder characterized by craniofacial abnormalities, growth retardation, and nervous system dysfunction that may include mental retardation.

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Which of the following is not a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction. Which of the following is NOT a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face? Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause children to have increased IQs.

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Which of the following statements is true of the effects of alcohol on fetal development?

The correct answer would be (A) that is alcohol consumption during pregnancy can limit the oxygen delivery to fetus.

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