Dark red to purple: A dark red to purplish tongue could indicate something as simple as a vitamin deficiency, but it could also indicate a fever or an infection, such as Scarlet fever or Kawasaki disease. Blue: A blue tongue could indicate poor oxygen circulation that may be due to lung problems.
Though most sore tongues aren't anything to worry about, you should consult a doctor if you have a lump or sore on your tongue that doesn't go away within a week or two. Many oral cancers don't hurt in the early stages, so don't assume a lack of pain means nothing is wrong.
Geographic tongue, fissured tongue, and hairy tongue are the most common tongue problems and do not require treatment. Median rhomboid glossitis is usually associated with a candidal infection and responds to topical antifungals.
Common tongue diseases and problems include canker sores, thrush, oral lichen planus, and tongue trauma. Other problems or conditions that can impact the tongue include tongue cancer, transient lingual papillitis, geographic tongue, vitamin B12 deficiency, Sjögren's syndrome, neuralgia, and allergic reactions.
Indications of an unhealthy tongue include different coloration besides pink, spots or patches (such as white, brown, or black spots), open sores, etc. These symptoms can indicate diseases such as oral thrush, cancer, vitamin deficiency, scarlet fever, and more.
Glossitis refers to inflammation of the tongue and has numerous potential etiologies. While most causes are benign or idiopathic, glossitis can be the presenting symptom of more serious systemic conditions.
Anatomically, the tongue maintains several relations with the hyoid bone, and therefore, with the hyoid musculature (the suprahyoid and the infrahyoid muscles) [7]. The hyoglossus membrane and the lingual septum bind the tongue to the hyoid muscles [8].
Rarely, yellow tongue may be a sign of jaundice, a yellowing of the eyes and skin, which sometimes indicates liver or gallbladder problems. Self-care is usually all that's needed to treat yellow tongue, unless it's related to another medical condition. Medical treatment for yellow tongue usually isn't necessary.
Clinical Findings in Tongue Pathology
Nutritional deficiencies include iron, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency will also make the tongue sore and beefy-red in color. Glossitis, by causing swelling of the tongue, may also cause the tongue to appear smooth.
Signs of your body undergoing excessive stress can show up on your tongue as unusual redness, sores, and ulcers. Also, if your tongue appears to have marks around the edges, that could signify consistently biting your tongue as a reaction to stress.
However, sometimes tongue pain can be a symptom of a much more serious condition, such as oral cancer. Schedule an appointment for an oral cancer screening if you: Have severe or unexplained tongue pain that persists for several days. See red or white patches on your tongue.
Geographic tongue, fissured tongue, and hairy tongue are the most common tongue problems and do not require treatment.
“We start with the worst case scenario and look for anything concerning, like ulcers, lesions, masses, and firmness,” he says. “Then we move on to evaluate signs of unusual coating, infection or fungus.” Dr. Kauffman says it is amazing what can be learned simply by looking at a patient's tongue.
Tongue Coating:
A thick coating reflects a more serious condition and poor gut health. A thin coating is normal, but a very thin or absent tongue coating means a lack of body fluids, or it could be a sign that the body is being taxed greatly. A yellow coating signals heat and/or infection in the body.
State of Your Digestion
How well your body metabolizes food is shown by the coating on your tongue. This coating appears in the middle and back of your tongue. It shows the state of your digestion and indicates any problems.
Signs and symptoms of acute liver failure may include: Yellowing of your skin and eyeballs (jaundice) Pain in your upper right abdomen. A swollen belly (ascites)
Deficiencies in B6 or B12 may lead to a swollen, sore or yellow tongue, along with teeth indentations and fissures on the surface of the tongue. Iron: An iron deficiency can lead to a swollen tongue and painful sores in the mouth. The tongue will also appear pale and smooth due to the lack of haemoglobin in the blood.
“Heart failure patients have a redder tongue with a yellow coating and the appearance changes as the disease becomes more advanced."
The coating on the tongue may play a vital role in diagnosing heart failure. Researchers found a clear difference between the tongue microbiomes of healthy people and those who have chronic heart failure.
According to TCM theories, the Heart has the highest correlation to the tongue. The colour of your tongue will tell us whether your blood and qi are circulating well. When the Heart is well-functioned, the tongue body is light red, moist, soft, and flexible with vitality.
Oral Lichen Planus: This oral autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks the mucous membranes inside your mouth, according to The Mayo Clinic. It will appear as lacy white patches, sometimes accompanied by painful sores on the lining of the cheeks, tongue, and gums.
Vitamin B deficiencies are one of the most common deficiencies that can affect mouth and teeth. A common oral effect of vitamin B deficiency is a burning sensation in the mouth, especially on the tongue. People with this deficiency can also have trouble swallowing. The tongue may feel swollen.