Pharmaceutical estrogen blockers are prescription medications that have the ability to block the effects of estrogen in the body. Examples of pharmaceutical estrogen blockers include aromatase inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs).
DIM (Diindolylmethane/3,3′-Diindolylmethane) is among the most effective estrogen blockers found in nature. It occurs naturally in cruciferous plants such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. DIM is an extensively researched substance.
Packed within cruciferous veggies are phytochemicals that block the production of estrogen, allowing them to be an effective addition to an anti-estrogen diet. This group of vegetables includes kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and arugula.
Magnesium Key Role in Sex Hormone Production
Magnesium has been shown in many studies to be a regulating mineral. If your estrogen levels are too high or too low, then magnesium can help bring them back to stable levels, which will positively impact testosterone and progesterone.
Up your fiber consumption
While we all know that drinking less alcohol helps our livers function optimally, fiber influences the integrity of this essential organ as well. Additionally, high-fiber diets have been connected to lower estrogen levels and a reduced risk of breast cancer [16].
There is evidence to suggest that certain supplements can help to correct hormone imbalance and reduce high estrogen counts. These include iodine, magnesium, and vitamin D. It may also help to take broccoli extract, or diindolylmethane (DIM).
When these levels become too high this is when irregular periods occur because the female reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone will naturally decrease. Zinc can rebalance these hormone levels through its antiandrogenic activity which will raise estrogen and progesterone back to baseline.
Anastrozole is in a class of medications called nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors. It works by decreasing the amount of estrogen the body makes.
Having low levels of estradiol due to aromatase inhibitors (AI's), or estrogen blockers like Arimadex and Femara, may lead to symptoms including: Sexual health disorders (ED, as well as low desire, libido and satisfaction). Prostate issues. Poor cardiovascular health.
Basically, you're not doing your wellness any favors by taking estrogen blockers unless you've been diagnosed with excessive estrogen and are taking them under medical supervision. In myriad ways, estrogen is vital for men's health, and low estrogen in men could be more dangerous than you think.
The female hormones estrogen and progesterone promote the growth of some breast tumors. Hormonal therapy may be given to block these hormones from stimulating tumor growth. Many breast cancer cells have proteins on their surfaces that can bind to estrogen.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is essential for the production of progesterone and also helps the liver metabolize and break down estrogen, keeping your hormonal levels balanced. What's more, vitamin B6 helps improve your mood and reduce anxiety, making it helpful in dealing with the symptoms of estrogen dominance.
Eat a healthy diet: Eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet with very little processed sugar can make it easier for your liver to process estrogen. Limit your alcohol intake: Eliminating alcohol or drinking in moderation can help your liver break down estrogen. Reduce your exposure to synthetic xenoestrogens.
Avocado. Research shows that avocados can help reduce the absorption of estrogen and boost testosterone levels. They also improve heart health and aid in satiety. We need enough healthy fats to make hormones, and avocados are a great source of hormone building blocks.
In fact, if you're trying to balance your hormones, caffeine may be a no-go. Research shows that it can increase estrogen levels. While caffeine is known to give you a quick energy boost, it can also disrupt your hormones, particularly estrogen levels.
Diets high in red and processed meats may increase estrogen in the body. If your diet's currently high in these foods, consider subbing in other protein sources like beans or fish. Maintain moderate body fat levels. Because fat tissue produces estrogen, losing excess body fat could help reduce estrogen levels.
Moderately exercise: Overexercise can contribute to low estrogen. Exercise in moderation is good. Overdoing it can deplete the important resources your body needs to function. Reduce stress: Too many stress hormones can cause the hormones that regulate your reproductive system to become imbalanced.
Eat a diet high in cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. Consider supplementing indole-3-carbinol 300 mg daily if inadequate dietary intake. 5. Eat a diet high in whole soy foods which help to shift estrogen metabolism toward increased levels of 2-hydroyestrone.
Magnesium Glycinate: great for calming, helping with sleep and hormone balance. Magnesium Citrate: known to be best for constipation and gastrointestinal issues, it is less bioavailable than other chelated forms of magnesium.